Key Responsible:
主要工作职责:1.To maintain a friendly, smiling, neat and pleasant image to all in-house guests.
保持友好、整洁、愉快的形象。2.To be totally familiar with room type, lay out, amenities, rate structure, outlets (Operating hours, menu, prices) facilities and services offered in the hotel.
应该全面掌握酒店的酒店房型,布置,赠品,价格,餐厅(包括营运时间,菜单,价格)设施和提供的服务。3.To meet and to welcome guests with particular attention to important guests who need special attention. if necessary, accompany them to their rooms.
热情接待到店的所有客人。协助客人进行登记,并引领至房间。4.To inspect and co-ordinate all rooms allocated for Arriving IPs (or any other allocation as directed by the GM/ RM/ FOM or Owner Office) including all suites, to ensure all standards of cleanliness and display of amenities are in order.
为抵店重要客人分配房间(或由GM/RM/FOM/业主直接指定),并检查房间,确保清洁、赠品到位。5.To prepare and co-ordinate the pre-registration of guests and ensure that the check-in is carried out smoothly and swiftly as per the hotel approved procedure.
预先准备客人的登记资料,确保登记程序快速、准确。6. To monitor the flow of incoming and departing importing and long-staying guests, and advises all those concerned, in relation to welcoming and bidding good-bye.
礼貌迎送抵店、离店的重要客人或长住客。7. To maintain and collate an accurate guest history program that ensures all valid and pertinent information is on file for future.
整理、维护准确客史资料,确保为将来提供准确的信息。8.To deal with guest special needs, to research and resolve guest complaints in a timely and helpful manner to ensure guest satisfaction at all times to maintain the relationship for the long-term benefit between the guest and hotel. To co-ordinate and inform all pertinent departments or Duty Manager accordingly.
任职资格1.Excellent written and oral communication skills in both English and Mandarin Chinese;
良好的中英文口语及书写技能。2.At least one year working experience in the same position in 5 star hotel
有同等星级酒店相同岗位工作经验1年以上。3. Have good image and temperament; good sense of service and willing to develop yourself in the hopitality industry
形象气质良好,有较强的服务意识,有志在酒店业发展。4. Have good working attitude and sense of teamwork
良好的工作态度及团队合作意识。5. Commitment to quality in everyting you do
昆明洲际酒店是由云南省康旅控股集团有限公司(HCT)投资兴建的豪华国际五星级酒店,位于美丽的高原明珠滇池之畔,遥望西山睡美人。酒店拥有536间(套)装潢精致的豪华客房,包括各种套房1600平方米的大宴会厅可容纳最多1200人的用餐或会议活动室内及室外泳池、温泉泡池和SPA为宾客提供舒适放松的休闲体验。我们酒店正在寻找自信负责、形象专业的员工加入我们的团队。作为回报,我们将为你提供具有市场竞争力的薪酬和福利,遍布全球的集团酒店的员工入住优惠,并为你提供学习新技能和拓展职业生涯的各种机会。你将加入一个杰出的团队,愉快地从事充满乐趣的工作,每天上班时你都会感到精神振奋、充满活力。最重要的是,我们会为你提供“尽炫自我的空间”。如果这一切听上去正合你意,或者你还想了解更多信息,请访问www.ihgjobs.cn和我们联系,告诉我们你将如何把个人技能和热情融入到洲际酒店集团的工作中来。加入我们的团队,做始终充满自信的自己! 招聘日期:每周一至周五(法定节假日除外)招聘时间:上午10:00 至下午 5:00 招聘地址:昆明西山区怡景路5号昆明洲际酒店人力资源部联系电话:0871-64094338/64094335