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Hotel Introduction酒店介绍ACCOMMODATION:客房及设施:Howard Johnson Minmetals Plaza Yingkou has 233 luxury guest rooms with complete infrastructure and elegant arrangement. There are 12 different styles of rooms for you to choose from including standard floors, non-smoking floors and executive floors, which are all equipped with international five-star standard facilities, free western-style breakfast and 24-hour butler service,The hotel has in October 2012 grand soft opening.营口五矿豪生大酒店精心设计了233间设施完备,格局典雅的豪华客房。拥有标准楼层、无烟楼层及行政楼层等12种风格各异的房型可供您选择,所有房间均配以国际五星级标准的设施、免费的西式早餐、24小时的管家式服务,酒店已于2012年10月1日隆重试营业。RESTAURANTS & LOUNGES:餐厅与酒廊:Riviera Coffee Shop豪生咖啡厅International style buffet is provided with a variety of dishes. Riviera Coffee Shop organizes different theme catering selections according to the time of year, bringing you to experience the perfect combination of rich cultural atmosphere and scrumptious food.提供国际特色的开放式自助餐,菜式多样,款款均由国际级名厨精心烹饪,全年分时段精心设计各种主题餐饮活动,带您领略浓郁人文气息与超级美食的完美结合。GINZA银座Ginza, with an amiable and elegant environment, contains the essence of Japanese cuisine. With well-cooked and sophisticated cuisine food, Akasaka Pavilion brings you a unique visual and auditory feast.银座环境清幽高雅,菜式融合了日式料理之精华,精选日本、韩国的顶级食材,烹制考究出品精良,给您带来视觉与味觉的双重盛宴。Lotus Garden Chinese Restaurant豪生阁中餐厅Lotus Garden Chinese Restaurant has elegant and luxurious decor, where you can enjoy sea views. The specially hired famous Guangdong chef will present you with the highest quality nests, abalones and fins, and famous Chinese dishes and seafood. The delicacies will surely be inviting and leave a lingering aftertaste.豪生阁中餐厅装潢典雅奢华,可远眺大海。特聘广东名厨主理,为您呈现极品燕、鲍、翅和中国名菜、海鲜大餐,品珍馐百味定然令您食指大动,回味无穷。Wine &Cigar Bar红酒雪茄吧The unique Wine & Cigar Bar infuses more international elements of fashion, perfectly combining the romance of life and your special appreciation together.独具特色的红酒雪茄吧,为钟情高贵生活的您提供与雪茄亲密接触之机。精选世界各地著名酒庄的顶级美酒,让生活的浪漫与您的独特品鉴完美结合。LOCATION地理位置Situated by Ming Lake in Liaoning’s Yingkou coastal industrial base, across from the Olympic Sports Center, is only 10km away from the city center and 179km from the provincial capital Shenyang. To the south is Dalian City, to the north east is Anshan City; to the east is Dandong City and northward it faces Panjin City with the river in between, possessing a wonderful location.坐落于辽宁(营口)沿海产业基地明湖畔,与奥体中心相望,距离市中心仅10公里;距离省会沈阳市179公里;南同大连市接壤;东北与鞍山市相依;东与丹东市毗邻;北与盘锦市隔河相望,区域位置十分优越。TRANSPORTATION/NEARBY ATTRACTIONS景点及交通·Lengyan Temple 15-minute by car楞严禅寺 15分钟车程·West Temple 10-minute by car西大庙 10分钟车程·Wanger Hill 50-minute by car望儿山 50分钟车程·Shenyang-Dalian expressway entrance 15-minute by car沈大高速公路入口 15分钟车程·Panjin-Yingkou Highway 30-minute by car盘海营高速 30分钟车程·Dalian International Airport 2.5-hours by car大连周水子国际机场 150分钟车程·Shenyang International Airport 2.5-hours by car沈阳桃仙国际机场 150分钟车程FACILITIES & GUEST SERVICE客房服务及设施·High-speed Internet and WIFI高速宽带和无线上网·International / domestic long-distance phone calls国际 / 国内长途电话·Private message私人语音留言·Safe in the guest room that can store laptop可存放便携式电脑的客房保险箱·42-inch LCD TV with international satellite channels拥有国际卫星频道的42寸液晶电视·In-room mini bar and complimentary tea and coffee房内迷你酒吧,提供免费茶和咖啡·24-hour room service24小时客房送餐服务·Daily newspaper每日报纸送至客房·Laundry service洗衣服务·Parking lot停车场·Limousine service豪华礼宾车服务MEETING FACILITIES会议设施There are 8 type conference rooms and multi-functional halls and 2 VIP reception rooms. Each conference room is equipped with modern high–tech, A/V equipment.酒店拥有8个规格不同的会议室、多功能厅,及2个VIP接待室。拥有先进的视听设备和现代的会议设施。BANQUET宴会The hotel provides a Howard Johnson Grand Ballroom that covers 1000㎡, which can accommodate banquets with up to 40 tables as well as conferences of 600 attendees.酒店配备1000㎡的豪生宴会厅,可同时接待40席宴会,容纳600人的会议需求。BUSINESS CENTER商务中心The Business Center provides you with perfect secretarial services including: photocopy, laser printer, internet, typing, translation, secretary, courier, ticketing services and conference room rental, giving a complete office experience for busy business travelers.商务中心特为您提供周到完善的秘书服务:复印,激光打印、上网、打字、翻译、秘书、快递、机票服务及会议室租用等。让繁忙的商旅人士拥有亲临办公室的别样感受。Howard Johnson International is a top-tier hotel management company, managing around 500 hotels in 17 countries worldwide. The company was originally founded as an ice cream stand inside a chemist shop by Howard Dearing Johnson in 1925 in Massachusetts, US.豪生国际酒店集团(Howard Johnson Inc.) 是全球知名的酒店管理公司,业务遍及世界21个国家和地区,管理超过500家酒店。豪生品牌是由企业家豪生先生(Howard Dearing Johnson)于1925美国麻省(Massachusetts)创立,起初只是一个杂货店的冰淇淋摊位。In 1990, after some 65 years of steady growth both within the US and worldwide, Howard Johnson was acquired by Wyndham Worldwide, one of the largest hospitality companies in the world. For further information, see www.hojo.com and www.wyndham.com/main.wnt.经过65年全球区域稳定而快速的发展,1990年,豪生国际酒店集团(Howard Johnson Inc.)与国际知名的酒店管理集团之一——温德姆集团(Wyndham)公司合并。如需更多信息,请登陆:www.hojo.com与www.wyndham.com/main.wntHoward Johnson International entered China in July 1999, and was soon awarded the official license of national hotel management. The company’s aim is to introduce into China the most advanced industry practices in hotel management, integrating fully with local cultures, in properties across mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.1999年,上海豪生酒店管理有限公司进入中国,并很快获得了国家认可的相关资质。一直以来,公司致力于中国大陆、香港、澳门与中国台湾地区引进与当地文化相结合的前瞻性酒店业管理理念。Shanghai Howard Johnson Hotel Management Co., Ltd. operates six brand tiers, each designed and marketed for specific demographic and geographic needs:上海豪生酒店管理有限公司以满足不同的市场需求为核心理念,创立了六个品牌细分层次:Plaza Royale – deluxe hotels in a prime location豪廷大酒店——白金五星级标准建造的酒店,至尊享受的象征Plaza – 5 star deluxe hotels in a prime location豪生大酒店——五星级标准建造的行政豪华酒店,置地优越,服务细致Business Club Hotel – 5 star hotels for high-end business travelers, in downtown locations豪生商务会所酒店——位于市中心地区,高端商务客人专属的五星级标准建造的酒店Hotel – 4 star contemporary business hotels for value-conscious business travelers豪生酒店——四星级标准建造的时尚商务酒店,设施齐备,经济实惠Resort – 5 star resorts, a paradise for all seasons and occasions豪生度假村——五星级标准建造的度假及会议型酒店,城市中的世外桃源All Suites – offering home-style living for those who have traveled a long way from home豪生全套房酒店——全套房家居式布置,全天候酒店式服务The company currently operates 46 hotels in 29 cities in mainland China. Our target is to be a premier and leading international hotel brand in the market, and to operate 100 hotels in near 2-3 years in Greater China, in all the major cities.公司业务现遍及中国29个城市,经营46家酒店。我们的目标是成为市场中领先的国际品牌,在未来的两三年将酒店网络遍布中国的各大小城市,争取达到100家豪生酒店。