发布于 2020-01-08
镇江 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 招2人




§  负责及时专业的回应所有电话和邮件询问,在常规联系方式无法发挥作用时,负责信息的分发及传递。

Respond to all telephone calls enquiries and e-mail in a timely and professional manner Initiate the taking and the distribution of messages if the contacts are unavailable.

§  根据行业、公司和酒店的指引,回应需求、改变。

To respond to any changes in the spa as indicated by the industry, company or the Hotel.

§  确保保持工作环境的五星级水准,为所有客人留下积极正面的第一印象。

Ensure the maintenance of a five star environment and positive first impression for all guests.

§  理解并严格遵守员工手册中的规章制度,尤其是酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的制度。

To have a complete understanding of and adhere to the hotel’s policy relating to fire, hygiene and health and safety.




Customer Service


§  始终保持愉悦的态度,在客人光临时热情问候。

To be pleasant at all times and greet the guest upon arrival.

§  与客人建立并保持良好的宾客关系,负责处理客人投诉、需求,并解答关于服务方面的询问。

Establish rapport with guests maintaining good customer relationship and handle all guest complaints, requests and enquiries on services.

§  经常亲自确认客人得到符合凯悦品牌标准的优异服务。

Personally and frequently verify that guests are receiving the best possible service in line with Hyatt Hotels Corporation standards.

§  问候并协助客人制定健身计划并亲自带领贵宾至健身房。

Greet and assist guests with activity planning and escort VIP guests to the fitness rooms.

§  确保根据品牌标准为客人提供快捷的电话和留言服务。

Ensure a speedy telephone and message service at all times for guests as per brand standards.


§  确保根据最新的促销活动、政策和通告,为客人提供相应的服务。

Ensure treatment guests maintain an up to date awareness of current promotions, policy changes and memorandums.

§  熟悉所有餐厅和部门的产品知识。

Be familiar with product knowledge of all outlets and departments.

§  积极寻求与客人接触的机会并保持卓越的公众关系。

Pro-active in seeking guest contact and maintaining excellent public relations.

§  确保客史资料的实时更新。

Ensure that guest history records are up to date at all times.

§  支持客人认知计划并维护相关的客史资料。

Support a consistent guest recognition programme and maintain a relevant guest database.






§  负责填写账单和收银工作。

To write bills and do cashiering.

§  更新每日收入报告。

To update daily revenue report.

§  努力使健身中心销售和盈利最大化。

Maximizes Fitness Center sales and revenues for the hotel.

§  坚持酒店的信用政策,确保收到所有预期的收入。

Adhere to company credit policies to ensure all revenue expected will be received.






§  了解健身中心的优惠活动,并积极推广,熟知所有服务设施及服务项目的运营时间。

To be completely aware of  Fitness Centre activities, and to promote these actively, completely familiar with all spa facility opening and closing hours as well as product and services offered

§  根据顾客意见调查结果,确保所有改进措施贯彻执行。

Responds to the results of the Consumer Audit and ensures that the relevant changes are implemented.

§  解答所有与酒店或服务相关的问题。

Answers all general inquiries pertaining to the hotel and the various services offered.

§  更新信息材料。

Keeps information material updated.

§  正确了解酒店知识及旅游咨询。

Has an accurate knowledge of hotels and the tourism.

§  处理客人投诉/担忧;与其他相关部门保持沟通。

Handles guest complaints / concerns; serves as a liaison with necessary departments.

§  根据清单检查展示台、接待台和其他前台接待区域的设备设施。

To check display counter, reception counter and other reception area facilities according to checklist provided.

§  了解健身中心的服务和护理项目、设备设施。

To be knowledgeable about Fitness Center Treatments, home care and facilities.

§  保持专业的态度和高效的工作。

To maintain professional attitude and to work efficiently and effectively.

§  礼貌的应答所有电话。

To handle incoming telephone calls with courteous manner.

§  控制音乐播放、避免乐曲重复播放、检查CD及室内灯光是否保持适当的亮度。

To control music played, avoid repetition, change CD and also check lighting is at adequate levels.


§  在预约时间的提前24小时电话提醒客人。

To make reminding calls 24 hours before the appointment.

§  服务结束后征询客人意见。

To ask guest’s feedback after their treatment or training session.

§  将关于客人的任何困难和问题通知副理或领班。

To inform Assistant Manager or Team leader of any difficulties or problems with regards to clients.

§  向客人介绍不同服务项目的效用,并推荐健身中心提供的其他服务。

To explain treatments availability to guests and up-selling therapies and other services of  the Fitness Center.

§  协助检查鲜花摆放、灯光、音乐和接待区域的整体清洁情况。

To help checking flower arrangement, lighting, music and reception general cleanliness.

§  每天定期检查男女更衣室,确保前台区域的音乐处在可接受的范围内。

Check male and female lockers regularly throughout the day Ensure music is at an acceptable level in reception area.

§  时时关注、了解客人的健康状况,例如:晒斑、肌肉紧张、过敏反应等。

To always use caution, pay attention and understanding the guest health condition, i.e. sunburns, muscle tension, allergies etc.

§  为酒店客人或健身中心会员准备线路指引卡。

Prepares Fitness Center treatment itinerary cards for Hotel guests.

§  与领班密切合作,确保根据预约和维修计划安排健身房。

Work closely with the team leaders to ensure that rooms are blocked accordingly for fitness and for maintenance as and when scheduled.

§  确保健身中心接待区、休息区保持干净、整洁,并整齐摆放最新的阅读材料。

To ensure that the Fitness Center reception and lounge areas are clean, tidy and well stocked with updated reading materials.

§  维护前台日志及跟踪报表并跟进相关事宜。

To maintenance reception logbook and trace report and follow up accordingly.




Other Duties


§  确保高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。需穿着得体的工作制服并保持高雅的形象(口红、描眉、适当涂抹粉底)。

Ensure high standards of personal presentation and grooming. Must wear make-up conservatively and tastefully (Lipstick, Mascara and Foundation).

§  保持五星级的环境,为客人留下积极正面的第一印象。

Ensure the maintenance of a five star environment and positive first impression for all guests.

§  将在健身中心的任何困难和问题汇报领班或副理。

To report any difficulties or problems within the spa to the Team Lead or Assistant Manager.

§  与本部门和其他部门的同事保持良好的工作关系。

To maintain good working relationships with your own colleagues and all other departments

§  与副理和领班沟通各方面的客人意见、员工信息和影响日常运营的活动。

To liaise with the Assistant Manager and the Team Leader on all aspects of guest comments, staff messages, and activities that effect daily operations.

§  管理和计算前台所有交易事项。

To control and account for all transactions processed at the reception desk.

§  定期监控库存并负责前台物品的采购。

To monitor and control all stocks and re-order supplies used at the reception on a regular basis.

§  按要求出席所有会议并作出贡献。

Attends and contributes to all Meetings as required.

§  确保所有的宾客服务员、教练员始终提供礼貌、专业的服务。

Ensure all Guest Services Officers,and Instructor provide a courteous and professional service at all times.


§  礼貌而高效的处理客人和员工询问,对不能立即解决的投诉和问题进行汇报,并及时回馈和跟进。

Handles guest and associate enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found, whilst feeding back a prompt follow up.

§  与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的接触。

Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.

§  根据酒店、行业和公司的指引,回应需求、改变,执行任何合理的任务及额外职责。

Respond to requests to undertake any reasonable tasks and secondary duties and to changes as dictated by the hotel, industry and company.

§  与其他宾客服务员保持良好的关系和卓越的沟通渠道。

Excellent communication channels are to be maintained with other Guest Services Officers.

目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
镇江苏宁凯悦酒店 人力资源部
对这个职位感兴趣? 最佳东方APP扫一扫 直接和HR聊一聊吧~
  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 国内上市公司
凯悦酒店集团的理念我们怀着喜悦的心情迎接八方来客,本着以人为本、以心换心的态度真诚待客,只为让您的旅程与众不同。我们全心全意关怀踏入酒店大门的每一个人,让他们能够达到自己的最佳状态。凯悦旗下的品牌各有千秋、各具特色,但我们所有的酒店都是以真诚的关怀服务宾客。这让我们在酒店行业独树一帜、尽显优势,朝实现理想迈进一大步——在我们进驻的所有市场上成为顾客的首选品牌。我们的信念 我们关爱每一个人,让他们尽善尽美显真我。关爱源于真诚的同理心和人际关系。我们通过真诚地看待他人并将其作为独特个体来加以了解从而做到关爱他人,正因如此,我们才可以量身定制并提供个性化的体验。我们时时秉持以人为本的宗旨对待员工、客人、业主、运营商、社区成员和股东。“尽善尽美显真我”就是每时每刻都要忠于自我,做最真实的自己——专注心神、充实自我,随时准备直面外界的挑战。酒店介绍镇江苏宁凯悦酒店是由苏宁控股集团与凯悦酒店集团强强联合打造的地标性国际品牌酒店。酒店地处镇江市的商业核心位置,位于苏宁广场东塔楼,毗邻甲级写字楼及大型购物中心,拥有良好的商务环境,生活和娱乐设施应有尽有,交通也非常便利,从酒店到镇江火车站乘车仅需13分钟。镇江苏宁凯悦酒店集知名餐饮、国际会议设施、健身中心、游泳池为一体,336间豪华客房、行政酒廊、豪华宴会厅等设施,典雅的装潢风格和便利的设施配置,满足宾客多元化的需求。镇江苏宁凯悦酒店将会成为各类会议和活动的首选场地,并提供卓越的客房和餐饮服务,以吸引更多国内外宾客。我们热诚地欢迎各位酒店精英加入镇江苏宁凯悦,积极向上并充满热忱的凯悦团队在镇江等你。这会是一个全方位、高品质的学习成长平台,让我们迎接你的到来,见证你的成长!欢迎登录凯悦酒店集团招聘网站http://hyatt.jobs,建立个人帐户以获悉更多职位信息。个人简历可投至angel.jiang@hyatt.com
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
  • 联系我们



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