信息系统经理 IT Manager
发布于 2020-06-12
信息系统经理 IT Manager
南京 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 招1人




This position is concerned with the implementation of Information Technology to the hotel in accordance with naked Forest's Information Technology strategies and priorities as well as measuring Information Technology costs, benefits and performance in the hotel and providing this information to hotel management and the Group IT Manager.



Core Responsibilities:

1.        始终使自己的工作以顾客为核心,积极主动及时地对待顾客的需要和要求。

To maintain a high customer service focus by approaching your job with the customers always in mind and being proactive in a timely manner towards their needs and requests of customers.

2.        承担个人责任并主动解决问题,清楚地与客户和同事沟通,以取得积极影响。

To have a positive impact, taking personal responsibility and initiative to resolve issues, always clearly communicating with both customers and colleagues.

3.        自我激励和承诺,主动承担所有工作并抓住机会学习新的技能或知识,从而提高个人业绩。

To be motivated and committed, approaching all tasks with enthusiasm and seizing opportunities to learn new skills or knowledge in order to improve your personal performance.

4.        对改变的要求能够灵活,快速并积极响应,包括要求的任何任务。

To be flexible, responding quickly and positively to changing requirements including the performance of any tasks requested of you.

5.        通过展示对同事的合作和支持,以团队目标为追求,保持以团队为重点。

To maintain high team focus by showing co-operation and support to colleagues in the pursuit of team goals.

6.        提供意见和建议,以提高酒店的运营/环境程序。

To contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance operational/environmental procedures in the Hotel.

7.        积极推销酒店的服务和设施给客人和酒店的供应商。

To actively promote the services and facilities of the naked Hotels to guests and suppliers of the Hotel.

8.        执行所有义务和责任以确保工作中自身和他人安全。

To perform all duties and responsibilities in a manner that ensures your safety and that of others in your workplace.

9.        通过积极的态度提供礼貌和无障碍服务给客人和下属员工,始终保持愉快的工作环境。

To contribute positively to Equilibrium and Esprit by providing both guests and fellow team-members with courteous, hassle-free service and by seeking to always maintain a pleasant working environment.

10.    全面负责酒店各信息系统的运行管理,保证酒店各系统运营正常。

Responsibility for the operation and management of information systems, ensure all systems running well.

11.    按照定义标准,最低风险地解决客人的信息技术疑问。

Ensure guest IT queries are managed to defined standards with minimal risks.

12.    根据用户报告,解决技术和运作问题。

To solve technical or operational problems as reported by users.

13.    确保酒店信息技术资源能很好的服务于酒店业务需求。

Ensure IT resources are maintained in the hotel to support the commercial & business needs.

14.    负责酒店办公网和客房网络运行正常。

Responsible for the network of guest house and internal office running well

15.    按期进行灾难恢复和PMS系统完整性计划测试。

Make testing plan for disaster recovery and PMS system integrity

16.    每日记录系统维护日志,并上报财务总监和总部信息部。

Daily Record system maintenance log, and reports Finance controller and Information Department Headquarters

17.    通过采购和对维护服务合同的协商最大限度的减少IT成本。

Maximize opportunities to reduce IT costs through effective purchasing & negotiating maintenance contracts.



18.    确定和保证所有酒店数据在企业内部被妥善掌控和记录。

Identify and ensure all hotel data has ownership and accountability within the organization.

19.    负责酒店内工作站日常维护,协助各部门优化业务流程。

Responsible for the hotel daily maintenance, help departments to optimize business processes.

20.    积极倡导办公自动化和电子商务,提高员工工作效率,降低各项成本。

Actively advocate office automation and e-commerce, improve employee productivity and reduce costs.

21.    编制和维护管辖酒店IT资产目录,并进行有效管理。

Prepare and maintain IT assets which governed in hotel directory, and manage them effectively.

22.    进行酒店使用的各项系统的维保合同签订。

Sign hotel maintenance contract.

23.    编制年度IT预算,并上报财务总监审核、备案。

Prepare annual IT budget and audit reporting to FC for record.

24.    负责及时准备和提交所有信息技术预算。

Responsible for timely preparation and submission of all IT budgets.

25.    根据既定计划,负责管理和控制所有信息技术费用。

Responsible for the management and control of all IT expense according to an agreed plan.

26.    与各业务部门保持积极有效的沟通,理解和满足其业务需求,给予恰当的技术支持。

Keep active and effective communication with all department, to understand and meet their business needs, giving appropriate technical support.

27.    建立与供应商、外包服务商的良好合作关系,了解最新技术发展趋势,并获得其有力支持。

Establish a good relationship with suppliers, outsourced service providers, and learn the latest technology, and get their strong support.

28.    在酒店开业过程中,作为酒店IT总协调人,与各相关部门和供应商积极互动,确保酒店IT各系统及相关事项在开业前就绪。

Establish a good relationship with suppliers, outsourced service providers, and learn the latest technology, and get their strong support. 

29.    有计划的安排、组织IT相关培训,努力促进酒店员工IT概念和技能的提升。

Organizing IT training, make efforts to promote the concepts and skills of staff

30.    督导下属员工工作,并给予持续的培训,帮助其成长。

Supervise staff works, keep training to help them developing

31.    制定继任者培训计划,并进行实施。

Make training plan and carry out it

32.    编制相关文档和实施培训以提高酒店IT人员的能力。

Prepare relevant document for training to enhance the ability of IT staff.

33.    根据总部信息部需求进行其它酒店相关信息工作支持(短期运营支持和开业协助支持)According to headquarters of HQ information department require, will support other hotel-related works (short-term operation support and opening support)

34.    维护最高的专业个人形象。

Maintains the highest standard of personal professional image, conduct, knowledge and skills related to the job responsibility.

35.    保护商业机密。

Maintains professional business confidentiality.

36.    执行任何工作任务都像执行财务总监和总经理下达的任务一样。

Performs any other duty as assigned by the Finance Controller &General Manager.




Core Competencies & Technical Knowledge/skills: 

1.      熟悉酒店业务,具备电脑软硬件专业知识。

Familiar with hotel business, computer software and hardware.

2.      熟悉酒店各项核心业务工作程序。

Familiar hotel business, as well as the typical five-star hotel of international IT solutions.

3.      熟悉酒店行业IT解决方案,并能有效解决各种系统问题。

Familiar with the hotel IT solutions and can solve system problems effectively.

4.      具有较强的沟通能力、计划与执行能力。

Strong ability of communication, plan and implement.

5.      基本掌握计算机技能。

Must possess basic computational ability.

6.      英文书写及口语流利。

Fluent in written and spoken English.





1.        计算机或相关专业,日制大专(含)以上学历。

College degree or above. Computer and other related professionals.




Preferred Qualifications:

1.        3年以上4-5星级酒店IT相关工作经验。

Minimum 3 years working experience at same position in 4 or 5 star hotel.


语言能力:英语-熟练 中国普通话-精通
目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
对这个职位感兴趣? 最佳东方APP扫一扫 直接和HR聊一聊吧~
  • 酒店业--国内高端酒店/5星级
  • 500-999人
  • 外商独资.外企办事处
关于裸心集团 裸心集团成立于2007年,致力于为人们打造返璞归真、充满愉悦体验的度假村及生活方式品牌。裸心集团创始人是来自南非的连续创业者高天成(Grant Horsfield)。裸心大本营(总部)位于中国上海,集团创立的知名业务与品牌包含裸心度假村(裸心谷和裸心堡),联合办公空间裸心社以及由裸心集团孵化的共享课程平台BULA。 裸心集团把度假村业务作为起点,在浙江省莫干山先后建造了精品民宿裸心乡(2007年开业),和中国首家荣获LEED国际绿色建筑铂金级认证的度假村裸心谷(2012年开业)。裸心度假村以独树一帜的风格和极致用心的品质享誉国内外,不仅获得各类业内外奖项无数,也成为中国旅游版图上的必游之地。2016年位于泰国普吉岛的裸心帆(Arabella号)成为裸心度假村开发的水上度假体验品牌。2017年5月,裸心堡隆重揭幕,它不仅成为莫干山高端度假村的新标杆,也标志着裸心集团度假村板块迎来新一轮发展,多个国内新项目也蓄势待发,其中包括裸心泊(苏州太湖)、裸心岭(南京溧水)和裸心园(郑州伏羲山)。此外,裸心集团计划在未来五年内将在中国和亚洲拓展度假村项目达25个。 凭借在度假村领域的发展,裸心集团在打造高品质体验、系统性运营管理以及提升品牌价值等方面积累了丰富经验,这也为其不断开拓更多新业务提供可能。2015年,裸心集团敏锐地迎合共享经济爆发式增长的趋势,进军联合办公业务,创立裸心社。裸心社以设计、科技、社区建设、服务体验这四大专长和优势迅速赢得会员的青睐,并快速扩张成为行业翘楚。在创立的两年中,裸心社成功完成两轮融资并在全球范围设立50个点,足迹遍布中国、越南、英国以及澳大利亚。2018年4月12日,裸心集团宣布旗下裸心社联手WeWork中国启动合并计划,强强联手,将持续拓展更具发展空间的联合办公新模式。 从别致的度假村到激发灵感的工作场所和最新孵化的共享生活方式平台,裸心集团希望通过一致的生活方式理念勾勒出人们旅行、工作、和生活的可能性,用“快活裸心”的态度持续探索和思考人与人、人与环境、人与自身的联系。 更多信息,请访问       About naked Group naked Group, founded in 2007 by Grant Horsfield, a serial entrepreneur from South Africa, is committed to connecting people to live light, healthy and naked through its resorts and lifestyle brands. Base-camped (headquartered) in Shanghai, China, naked Group has created well-known businesses and brands including naked Retreats (naked Stables and naked Castle), naked Hub and a recently incubated space-sharing education platform, BULA. naked Group is deeply rooted in hospitality and the resort business. Starting with naked Home, a boutique resort built in 2007; and then an internationally renowned resort, naked Stables, was opened in the Moganshan Mountain area in 2012. naked Stables is the first resort in China to receive the highly coveted LEED platinum sustainability certification. The defining characteristics of naked Resorts are unique design and high quality service. naked Resorts has received many prestigious awards and become a must-visit destination in China for travelers. In 2016, naked Sail - a luxury catamaran named Arabella - became a new brand and experience based out of Phuket, Thailand. In 2017, naked Castle was opened. It has become a new benchmark for premium resorts in Moganshan. Its opening also symbolized naked Retreats’ next rounds of expansion. There are several more resorts in the pipeline, such as naked Water (Taihu Lake, Suzhou), naked Hill (Wuxiang Mountain, Nanjing) and naked Valley(Fuxi Mountain, Zhengzhou). In addition, naked Group plans to expand naked resorts to 25 in China and Asia within 5 years. With over ten years of hospitality experience, naked Group is renowned for curating high quality experiences, operation management, and branding. This has opened the door for naked to expand into other businesses to promote its lifestyle and brand values. In 2015, taking advantage of the opportunities within the sharing economy, naked Group entered the co-working market and opened the first naked Hub in Shanghai. naked Hub is known for its design, technology, community and hospitality and quickly became a leader in the industry. Within 2 years, naked Hub successfully completed 2 rounds of funding and expanded its locations up to 50 in China, Vietnam, UK and Australia.  In April 2018, naked Group announced that naked Hub and WeWork would join forces to support future co-working businesses in China and throughout Asia. From unique resorts, creative workspaces to more innovative lifestyle and experiences, naked Group is rethinking how we connect with people, places, nature and ourselves. naked Group is redefining and transforming the industries of travel, work and lifestyle. naked’s mission is to get everyone to “Live naked”. For more Information about naked Group, please go visit our
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
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