财务总监 Director of Finance
发布于 2019-01-08
财务总监 Director of Finance
三亚 | 8年以上 | 本科 | 招1人

主要职责Main Duties


  • 确保部门活动遵循集团财务策略,恰当地完成酒店活动。

    Ensures that the Department’s activities are aligned with the Corporate Finance Strategy, and that the Hotel Actions have been implemented where appropriate.

  • 在酒店行政委员会中代表财务部门。

    Represents the Finance function on the hotel's Leadership Committee.

  • 编写并随时更新财务部门营运手册。

    Prepares and updates the Finance Departmental Operations Manuals.

  • 确保酒店遵守公司及酒店的所有财务政策及流程。

    Ensures that the hotel is adhering to all Company/Hotel Finance Policies and Procedures.

  • 确保严格遵循政府部门制订的劳动法及税法。

    Ensures that government-stipulated Associate and tax legislations are strictly followed and implemented.

  • 保管所有帐册、日报、及酒店的其他会计资料,记载在凯悦会计及信息控制手册和相关刊物中。

    Maintains all ledgers and journals and other accounting records of the hotel, sets down in the Hyatt Accounting and Systems Control Manual and related publications.

  • 负责确保集团、地区、酒店和政府的所有报告被准确编写,并及时上交。

    Responsible for ensuring that all Corporate, Regional, hotel and governmental reports are compiled accurately and submitted in a timely manner.

  • 定期召开部门联络会议。

    Conducts regular Departmental Communication Meetings.


    宾客服务Customer Service

  • 培训、辅助其他人员培训员工为酒店外部客人提供超值服务,从而支持酒店将优质服务做为重点。

    Supports the hotel’s focus on service excellence by training and assisting others to train people to provide exceptional service to the hotel’s external customers (guests).

  • 确保财务及资讯人员为同事(内部客人)和访客提供适当、专业、礼貌而关怀的服务。

    Ensures that Finance and IS personnel provide the appropriate level of professional, courteous and caring service to other Associates (internal customers) and other visitors to the division.

  • 礼貌、有效地处理所有内、外部客人的投诉和要求,跟进处理,确保问题得到圆满解决。

    Handles all guest and internal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following through to ensure problems are resolved satisfactorily.

  • 与客人及同事保持良好的工作关系。

    Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.



  • 确保部门运营严格遵守预算,控制好所有费用,批准合理花费。

    Ensures that the Department's operational budget is strictly adhered to, that all costs are controlled and expenditures are properly approved.

  • 确保遵守酒店、公司和当地法律法规中与财务档案保管、钱物处理及证照办理有关的规定,及时准确地报告财务信息。

  • Ensures that all hotel, company and local rules, policies and regulations relating to financial record  keeping, money handling and licensing are adhered to, including the timely and accurate reporting of financial information.

  • 与总经理和部门负责人协调并编写与酒店活动有关的所有预算与计划,完善预算控制所有流程。

    Compiles in conjunction with the General Manager and Department Heads all budget and forecasts relating to all activities of the hotel and the maintenance of all budget control procedures.

  • 得到地区和集团办公室批准后实行地方会计流程,确保遵守地方政府法规。

    Implements local accounting procedures ensuring compliance with the local government regulations, after approval from the area/corporate offices.

  • 监督、仔细审查、批准每月的会计分录、资产负债表和损益表。

    Supervises, scrutinises and approves monthly journal entries, balance sheet and income statement.

  • 编纂并解释酒店的财务报表及报告。

    Prepares and interprets the financial statements and reports for the hotel.

  • 努力形成内部控制流程的生产线,以之为辅,审计酒店的帐目、记录及交易文件。

    Audits the accounts, records and transactions of the hotel, aided by the ongoing efforts to streamline internal control procedures.

  • 审核每月的银行对账表。

    Reviews the monthly bank reconciliation statements.

  • 仔细审查每月的财务报表,调查异常变化,准备评论并将之附在报告后面。

    Scrutinises the monthly financial reports, to investigate unusual variations and to prepare comments to be attached to the report.

  • 确认预付费用,确保递延费用都得到了及时更新且与帐簿中一致。

    Verifies the prepaid expenses, ensuring deferred charges are up-to-date and in agreement with the books.

  • 管理并控制现金的使用,包括地区办公室和业主公司同意下投资在银行里的定期存款的使用,如有需要可获取其他银行设施。

    Administers and controls cash management which includes investing in time deposits in banks approved by area office and the Owning Company, as well as obtaining other banking facilities whenever necessary.

  • 在聘请的当地审计员或税务专家的帮助下理解凯悦集团的和酒店的纳税义务。

    Understands Hyatt’s and the hotel’s tax obligations, using the assistance of locally appointed auditors or tax experts.

  • 帮助总经理和部门负责人编写包括酒店所有活动在内的预报。

    Assists the General Manager and Heads of Department in the compilation forecasts covering all activities of the hotel.

  • 帮助总经理准备资金使用请批表。

    Assists the General Manager in the preparation of Capital Expenditure Authorisation Request.

  • 通过使用多技能、多任务和弹性工作表帮助员工效率最大化,以达到营业的财务目标和客人的期望。

    Maximises Associate productivity through the use of multi-skilling, multi-tasking and flexible scheduling to meet the financial goals of the business as well as the expectations of the guests.

  • 指导员工,确保其效率符合凯悦设计的标准,并与凯悦集团财务操作手册保持一致。

    Directs Associates to ensure productivity meets standards given in accordance with Hyatt Design Standards and Criteria and the Hyatt Finance Operations Manual.

  • 注意提高生产力水平,在合理范围内谨慎控制工资和其他成本,并确保所有的设备的最佳使用和能源的节约。

    Focuses attention on improving productivity levels and the need to prudently manage utility/payroll costs within acceptable guidelines ensuring optimum deployment and energy efficiency of all equipment.

  • 主持财务回顾会议及信贷会议。

    Chairs the Financial Review Meeting and Credit Meetings.

  • 确保使用最新的科技和设备,利用新的系统工作以提高生产力水平。

    Ensures new technology and equipment are embraced, improving productivity whilst taking work out of the system.

  • 审核并签批所有酒店设备及物品等的发票及申购单。

    Reviews and approves all invoices and Purchase Requests involving hotel equipment and supplies etc.



  • 确保财会部门的每个分部门都高效运行,最大程度地利用科技。

    Ensures that each section of the Accounting and Finance Department is managed efficiently, maximising utilisation of technology.

  • 确保每月对所有物品进行盘点,经营设备一年盘点两次。

    Ensures that the physical inventories of all supplies and operating equipment are being taken on a monthly and a biannual basis respectively.

  • 实施必要控制,确保酒店资产的安全,完善固定资产、经营设备、物品和存货的记录。

    Implements all necessary control in order to safeguard the assets of the hotel and to maintain records for the fixed assets, operating equipment, supplies and inventories.

  • 审查成本审计员的报告,与物料部经理协调以确保所有存货都有适当的控制及流程。

    Reviews the reports compiled by Cost Auditor and liaises with the Materials Manager to ensure proper procedures and control of inventories.

  • 了解所有管理协议的条款和条件,并确保管理协议被有效遵守。

    Knows all terms and conditions of the management agreement and ensures that they are adhered to.

  • 监督管理协议检查单中列出的要求。

    Monitors requirements set out in the management agreement checklist.

  • 保管并保证合同、租约、保险合同及所有法律和财务文件的安全。

    Keeps and safeguards all contracts, leases, insurance policies and all legal and financial documents.

  • 从相应的国家机构办理必需的外币兑换交易、进口、酒类、烟草和娱乐等许可证。

    Obtains the requisite licenses for foreign exchange dealing, imports, liquor, tobacco, and entertainment and so forth from the appropriate regulatory authorities.

  • 与凯悦集团的和聘请的当地的保险代理人员一起管理凯悦和当地的保险事务。

    Administers Hyatt and local insurance matters in conjunction with Hyatt’s and locally appointed insurance agents.

  • 与凯悦集团和酒店聘请的法律顾问联系处理所有法律事务。

    Liaises with Hyatt’s and hotel appointed legal consultants for all legal matters.

  • 管理资讯部,确保酒店计算机系统和软件得到充分利用、安全管理及合理维护,适时更新所有授权书。

    Administers the Information Systems section and ensures that the hotel computer system and its software are fully utilised, well safeguarded, properly maintained and all licenses are up-to-date.

  • 实施总经理与地区和集团办公室一起建立的信贷及收款流程。

    Administers credit and collection procedures that have been established by the General Manager with the concurrence of the area / corporate offices.

  • 按照酒店要求与内、外部审计员保持联系。

    Liaises with both internal and external auditors in compliance with the hotel requirements.

  • 帮助总经理编写各部门的政策及流程,写入酒店自己的内部政策手册内。

    Assists the General Manager in the compilation of all the department’s written policies and procedures into the hotel’s own in-house policy manuals.

  • 与总经理一起签署地区办公室和业主公司指定银行的银行支票。

    Signs bank checks jointly with the General Manager of those banks designated by the area office and the Owning Company.

  • 与总经理一起签定(除一年或一年以内销售合同外的)所有合同,确保所有条款都符合地方法律、管理协议、凯悦集团政策及重要商业文件。

    Signs all contracts (other than sales contracts with a duration of less than one year) jointly with the General Manager ensuring all terms are in compliance with local law, management agreement, Hyatt policies and sound commercial judgement.

  • 签批所有付款凭证和费用报销,确定其所附文件齐全,以审核和证明收到的商品和服务在质量、数量及价格方面的情况。

    Approves all disbursements vouchers, expenses claims after ascertaining that all necessary documents are attached, processed and certified for receipt of merchandises or services in quality, quantity and prices.)

  • 结合可用资金、采购的必要性及预算对所有采购申请进行审批。

    Approves all purchases in view of availability of funds, necessity and the budget.

  • 每天根据总出纳的收入明细查收银行送数单。

    Receives on a daily basis the receipts of bank deposits and verifies against General Cashier’s Summary of Receipts.

  • 每天确认前一天的收据都已存放完毕。

    Ascertains the daily receipts are deposited on the next succeeding day.

  • 每天视察银行余额是否合理,如有任何现金缺失情况,书面报告给总经理并抄送地区办公室。

    Watches daily the adequacy of bank balances and report in writing as to any anticipated cash deficiency to the General Manager, with a copy to area office.

  • 审查并签批每天的人工及计算机记录。

    Examines and approves daily manual and computer records.

  • 确保所有旅行社佣金的即时支付。

    Ensures all travel agents’ commissions are paid promptly.

  • 现场抽查规定的外币兑换交易流程是否正确遵循。

    Spot checks the prescribed foreign exchange transactions procedures are correctly adhered to.

  • 审查每天的成本报告。

    Examines daily costing reports.

  • 审查并签批所有工资单的雇佣、调级和终止合约情况。

    Examines and approves all payroll hiring, status changes and terminations.

  • 确认按期支付所有税费、捐赠费、许可费、利息及管理费。

    Ascertains that all taxes, contributions, licenses, interest and management fee are paid when due.

  • 安排每月的分部门会议进行运营回顾。

    Arranges monthly section meetings for operation review.

  • 确保所有钥匙的控制及分发流程被正确遵循。

    Ensures that all keys control and issuance procedures are correctly applied and adhered to.

  • 向地区办公室介绍在会计及内部控制方面取得的进步。

    Recommends to the area office improvements in accounting and internal control.

  • 检查并确认采购、收货、仓储及发货职能,即物料部的流程和控制都恰当。

    Reviews and ensures proper procedures and control of purchasing, receiving, storing and requisitioning functions; i.e. Materials Management functions.




  • 监督、帮助招聘及筛选财务部所有员工。确保部门负责人招聘时遵循酒店原则,选择员工以能力为准绳。

    Oversees and assists in the recruitment and selection of all Finance Associates.  Ensures that Heads of Department follow hotel guidelines when recruiting and use a competency-based approach to selecting their Associates.

  • 监察财务部所有员工准时上班及出勤形象,确保员工制服穿着正确,且遵守酒店和部门的仪容标准,维持高标准的个人形象和卫生。

    Oversees the punctuality and appearance of all Finance Associates, making sure that they wear the correct uniform and maintain a high standard of personal appearance and hygiene, according to the hotel and department’s grooming standards.

  • 通过适当的培训、训练和/或督导发展部门负责人的技能,使其工作效率最大化。

    Maximises the effectiveness of Heads of Department by developing each of their skills and abilities through the appropriate training, coaching, and/or mentoring.

  • 与部门负责人一起进行年度行为发展讨论,对他们的专业发展目标给予支持。确保他们也同样与他们的员工一起进行年度行为发展讨论。

    Conducts annual Performance Development Discussions with Heads of Department and supports them in their professional development goals. Ensures that they in turn conduct annual Performance Development Discussions with their Associates.

  • 确保每个部门负责人和进修及培训发展部经理、部门培训员一起为其部门的员工制订并实行有效的培训计划。

    Ensures that each Head of Department plans and implements effective training programmes for their Associates in coordination with the Learning and Development Manager and their Departmental Trainers.

  • 鼓励员工成为有创新和挑战精神的人,对员工为部门成功运行所做的贡献表示肯定。

    Encourages Associates to be creative and innovative, challenging and recognising them for their contribution to the success of the operation.

  • 支持落实人本品牌, 示范并加强凯悦价值观和文化特性。

    Supports the implementation of The People Brand”, demonstrating and reinforcing Hyatt’s Values and Culture Characteristics.

  • 确保所有员工完全理解并遵循员工守则和规范。

    Ensures that all Associates have a complete understanding of and adhere to Associate rules and regulations.

  • 确保员工遵守所有酒店、公司及地方法规,以及酒店政策及流程中与防火、危害和安全相关的部分。

    Ensures that Associates follow all hotel, company and local rules, policies and regulations relating to fire and hazard safety, and security.

  • 反馈员工敬业度调查的结果,确保其做出了相应改变。

    Feedback the results of the Associate Engagement Survey and to ensure that the relevant changes are implemented.


    其他Other Duties

  • 按要求参加所有会议并给出意见。

    Attends and contributes to all Meetings as required.

  • 充分了解国家法规中有关税务、员工和公司关系的规定。

    Is knowledgeable in statutory legislation in taxes, Associate and industrial relations.

  • 确保高标准的个人形象和仪表。

    Ensures high standards of personal presentation and grooming.

  • 在任何时间表现负责的管理和行为,以积极的形象代表酒店管理团队及凯悦。

    Exercises responsible management and behaviour at all times and positively representing the hotel management team and Hyatt.

  • 与酒店的竞争对手及其他特别是旅行社、本地商业团体和航空公司等组织派来的相关代表保持牢固而专业的关系。

    Maintains strong, professional relationships with the relevant representatives from competitor hotels and other organisations, especially travel agencies, local business groups and airlines.

  • 响应行业、公司和酒店对财务部的指引并按需求做出改变。

    Responds to changes in the Finance function as dictated by the industry, company and hotel.

  • 阅读酒店员工手册,理解并遵循酒店规章制度,及酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的政策及流程。

    Reads the hotel's Associate Handbook and have an understanding of and adhere to the hotel's rules and regulations and in particular, the policies and procedures relating to fire, hygiene, health and safety.

  • 执行任何合理的任务及额外职责。

    Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.

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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 500-999人
  • 外商独资.外企办事处
三亚海棠湾君悦酒店中国 海南 三亚三亚海棠湾君悦酒店是一家精心设计的度假型酒店,也是著名酒店集团凯悦旗下豪华品牌“君悦”进驻海南的第一间。坐拥一线迷人海景,遥望素有“情人岛”之称的蜈支洲岛,海棠湾象一颗璀璨的明珠洒落在海南岛的东部海岸,以其蓝天白沙,椰影婆娑,海风和煦最为著名。宜居海棠湾被得天独厚的自然环境环绕着,青山,湿地,秀湖,河流……三亚海棠湾君悦酒店拥有435间现代风格的客房、套房和别墅,包括宴会厅在内的功能完善的会议设施,会议室和独特的住宅式的多功能场地,水疗会所以及大量为家庭度假客人专设的娱乐设施。五间特色餐厅和酒吧提供地道的美食体验,精品廊购物,并毗邻三亚各大高尔夫球场。酒店距离三亚凤凰国际机场34公里,三亚市区26公里,及紧邻50公里内三亚各个观光胜地。三亚海棠湾君悦酒店为您提供的是一次难忘的假期,一次成功的会议,一种崭新的度假休闲生活方式!Grand Hyatt Sanya Haitang Bay Resort and SpaSanya, Haian, ChinaA purpose-designed resort and spa, the new Grand HyattSanya Haitang Bay Resort and Spa will enter the market as the first Grand Hyattin Hainan. Located in the centre of Haitang Bay, overlookingWuZhiZhou Island on the “National Coast” - a shining pearl situated on theeastern coast of Hainan Island - famous for its blue sky, white sand, dancingcoconut trees and warm sea breeze. Haitang Bay is also surrounded by green,hills, wetlands, lakes and rivers. All of nature’s gifts areavailable in Haitang Bay.The five-star beach resort will offer 435 spaciousrooms, suites and villas, extensive integrated event and meeting facilitiesincluding the Grand Ballroom, meeting rooms and Grand Residence, Huan Spa andextensive recreation facilities for the entire family. ?Five restaurantsand bars offer authentic cuisines, shopping and access to Sanya’s best golfinghotspots. The resort is 34 km from the airport, 26 km to Sanya city and within50 km to Sanya’s top tourist spots and attractions and we are less than 15minutes’ walk from Asia’s largest duty free shopping complex – China Duty Free(CDF).Grand Hyatt Sanya Haitang Bay Resort and Spa willentertain and provide a memorable vacation, event or lifestyle experience.
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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