- 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
- 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
- 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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We are currently looking for a Head Bartender(Assistant Manager) to join our Food & Beverage team.
As a Service Manager - Head Bartender(Assistant Manager), we rely on you to
* Have complete knowledge on the food / beverage / service available / preparation methods and time in sections appointed
* Be aware of SLIM and Hotel standards and policies
* Be aware of and applies the procedures concerning hotel fire and life safety / emergency procedures
* Apply the necessary precautions with regards to the hotel food safety and hygiene standards(refer to SLIM standards indicated in the F&B Intranet)
* Ensures personal grooming and conduct according to hotel standards
* Monitors and ensures smooth operations of the sections appointed (restaurants / banquet /beverage - as applicable)
* Assist in any other tasks as specified by his / her Manager or Assistant
We are looking for someone who:
* Good presentation skills
* Must have 3 years working experience in either a luxury restaurant or a 5*hotel environment
* Guest relations to host International tourist, communicates and writes with fluency in English
* Must be a friendly, helpful and trustworthy leader
* Self-driven, goal-oriented and willing to challenge the status quo
久负盛名的上海浦东香格里拉由风格典雅的浦江楼及时尚尊崇的紫金楼组成,为宾客提供极致奢华的居停空间。地理位置无与伦比,便捷通达虹桥及浦东国际机场;毗邻著名地标性建筑、旅游景点、餐饮及购物商区,是商旅人士在上海下榻的至优之选。与多条贯穿浦东及浦西的交通枢纽、隧道及地铁相接,轻松通达火车站,为远途客人提供无上便捷。此外,酒店电子化入住及离店手续,务求为宾客奉上至臻专奢的舒适享受。酒店设有8间风格迥异的餐厅、酒吧及酒廊,随时奉上巧夺天工的飨馔美肴,满足客人的多样需求。步入紫金楼的香格里拉CHI水疗,即可静享私人空间,以畅快的感官之旅唤醒生命能量,尽情放松身心。凭借至臻服务和尊尚设施,酒店屡获殊荣,备受赞誉。周一至周五 公开求贤09:00 - 17:00地址:上海市浦东新区富城路33号,地铁2号线、14号线陆家嘴站Being one of Shanghai's top rated hotels, Pudong Shangri-La, Shanghai offers luxuriously appointed guestrooms in the classic River Wing and the contemporary Grand Tower. Its location allows convenient access to both the Hongqiao and Pudong International Airports. With its close proximity to famous landmarks, tourist attractions, restaurants and shopping areas, the award-winning hotel is an excellent venue for both business and leisure travelers. Also nearby are tunnels and subways connecting the two main districts of Shanghai and trains, which are highly recommended for accessing far-reaching cities. In addition, the hotel's paperless check-in and check-out simplifies the entire process and enhances the overall stay experience of guests. As for dining options, guests don't have to look any further as the hotel offers up to eight restaurants and bars to cater to any preference. CHI, The Spa which can be found in Grand Tower, is a tranquil spot for a pampering session towards the end of the day. The hotel has been recognised with numerous accolades by guests and awarding bodies.