- 确保公寓区域通风、空调设备的正常运行状态,并确保公寓内所有区域的温度保持在正常的范围内
- 在系统运行期间,应合理控制新风量
- 需定期清洗或更换过滤网机翅片
- 按保养规程做好所分管设备的日常及月度保养
The Millennium Residences of the BeijingFortunePlazaThe Millennium Residences of the BeijingFortunePlaza is located in the heart of the Beijing CBD which bears the most momentously potential of development and value elevation. While 25 minutes away from the Beijing International Airport, the Millennium Residences is merely walking distance from nearly all Embassies, Major Office Buildings and Shopping Mall. The Millennium Residences is a perfect fusion of 331 luxurious and well appointed suites which areas range from 115 to 240 ㎡. The Millennium Residences will surpass the nearly wholeness with your honorable presence.北京财富中心千禧公寓北京财富中心千禧公寓地处北京CBD商业中心这一亚洲最具发展动力和升值潜力的区域核心地段,距离北京首都国际机场仅仅二十五分钟车程,距离商业办公室、各国大使馆及展览中心咫尺之遥,紧邻财富购物中心。千禧公寓由331间装修豪华、设施完备的房间组成,宽敞一居至三居室从115平米到240平米不等。位于财富中心的千禧公寓集豪华、娱乐于一体,敬待您的光临。 网址:www.millenniumhotels.com 地址:Building No.6,FortunePlaza,7 DongSanHuan Middle Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing 100020,P.R.China北京市朝阳区东三环中路七号院六号楼,邮编:100020