Helps encourage customer loyalty by developing friendly, personalized relationships
Gives priority to guest relations, while taking care to respect administrative procedures
Anticipates guests' needs and takes them into consideration
Handles any guest complaints and/or remarks; Provides a response as soon as possible
Takes care of the arrival and departure processes for guests in compliance with internal
Maintains excellent relations with the GRM, ensuring their activities complement each other
Depending on the reservation department working hours, may handle reservations
Manages the cash under his/her responsibility
May be asked to prepare and send reminder invoices to debtors
Promotes the hotel's range of services in order to increase sales
Applies and actively supports the hotel's pricing policy in order to increase REVPAR
Promotes the brand and/or Group loyalty program, adapting the sales pitch to suit the guest's needs
Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa 丽江铂尔曼度假酒店 Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa is a high-end five star brand and greater China’s flagship resort. The hotel has 79 villas and 51 luxurious hotel rooms, with each space inspired by local Naxi traditional architecture blended in contemporary Chinese interiors, encircled by private small gardens and reflection pools. With five different ways to relax in our international and Chinese restaurants and bars, and several varieties of delicacies, tastes, and wines, the best selection of dining in Lijiang is here. The “Innovative Breaks” by Pullman assists in creating an atmosphere of creativity in the meeting facilities, an ideal location for a personalized experience at conferences and corporate events. With other services such as complementary WiFi/broadband access, the exotic and luxurious Mandara Spa, and Lijiang’s only five-star tourist service Out & About to take you through your journey in the West - Pullman Lijiang is the choice for you. 丽江铂尔曼度假酒店是雅高集团旗下的一个高端五星级品牌酒店,同时也是铂尔曼品牌在大中华区精心打造的旗舰店。酒店拥有79栋别墅和51间豪华客房。其建筑设计灵感来自于当地纳西族的传统建筑,低层设计的同时融入了现代中式装饰元素,大小花园水流环绕,中心湖更是汇聚了酒店的诗画美景精华。酒店拥有五家风格各异的餐厅和酒吧,汇集了各地精致缤纷多样的美食与名酒,堪称为丽江的极致美食之选。绝赋创意的“铂尔曼创新会议” 提供高品质的会议设施和全新、极富创意及个性化的服务,是主办大小会议和公司活动的理想场所。另外畅连无限的互联中心,独树一帜并充满异国情调的曼达梦水疗,以及丽江唯一的五星级旅游服务--悠游丽江探索之旅,都使丽江铂尔曼显得更加优势显著。