Director of Food & Beverage,responsible for the overall daily Food and Beverage operation, providingleadership and direction whilst maximizing revenue opportunities andmaintaining guest and colleagues’ satisfaction levels to the standard of the hoteland of the company at all time.
Job Requirements:
1.A proven track record of success in a similar leadership role to ensure profitability, efficiency and creativity in each Food and Beverage venue including banqueting.
2.Capability to build customer loyalty and guest satisfaction in accordance with our standards and Legendary Quality Experiences (LQE).
3.To manage budget of the entire Food & Beverage Division, monitor and control the expenses achieving financial targets and to accurately forecast financial performance.
4.Strong interpersonal and problem-solving abilities.
5.Innovative and creative, familiar with F&B trends in Mainland China, partnering with Sales & Marketing to increase exposure and coverage of the Food & Beverage venues in various local media and digital platforms.
6.Highly responsible and reliable. Works well under pressure in a fast paced environment.
7.To encourage proactive, efficient, and effective inter-departmental communication and working practices to promote a climate of teamwork, enthusiasm and productivity.
8.Ability to focus attention on guest needs, remaining calm and courteous at all times.
9.To be part of the Executive Committee, providing advice and support in decisions and projects relating to the Hotel in general
10.Excellent communication skills in English and Mandarin are a must, speaking Cantonese would be an advantage.
11.University/College degree in a related discipline.
12.Three to five years’ experience in international luxury hotel operations preferably in Mainland China.
广州文华东方酒店之旅 文华东方酒店集团为一家屡获殊荣的酒店投资及管理集团,经营全球享负盛名的酒店、度假酒店及酒店管理式住宅。广州文华东方酒店位于广州市天河中央商务区核心地段,毗邻享负盛名的太古汇。广州文华东方酒店提供广州城中宽敞的酒店客房体验。酒店233间客房和30间套房传承了文华东方酒店品牌精致典雅的经典风格,由季裕棠设计师事务所 (tonychi studios) 设计,揉合了传统东方元素和“新中国”的现代特色。酒店的米其林二星粤菜餐厅江-由辉师傅主理、米其林指南入选餐厅悦铂尼、文华饼店和别具特色的 The Loft 酒吧为宾客提供了丰富餐饮选择。蝉联福布斯旅游指南五星水疗奖的水疗中心环境典雅舒适,是这座喧嚣都市中沉思遐想和探索发现的世外桃源。我们先进的健身设施包括装备齐全的健身房、户外恒温泳池和私人教练训练,无论是高强度运动还是轻量锻炼,健身中心都将为您带来理想的体验。宽敞的会议与宴会厅配有优质的科技设施,总面积达710平方米的宽阔气派的大宴会厅是城中宴会庆典的理想之选。 作为蝉联数年的最佳雇主,我们提供一个关怀备至,激励进取的良好工作环境。我们珍视多元化,通过个性化的发展,鼓励您发挥最佳潜质,缔造您在集团内的事业成就。我们为您提供•年度最卓越公寓,2至3人间高级白领公寓,免费往返班车服务,免费员工健身房•具有竞争力的福利待遇和津贴•丰富的结构化学习机会•多姿多彩的员工活动•季度扇粉交流会,月度生日会•健康美味的免费员工餐•精彩纷呈的同事出游健康周•豪华暖心节日大礼包广州文华东方酒店公开招聘日•时间:每周四(法定节假日除外) 9:30 - 11:30am 2 - 5:30pm•地点:天河区天河路389号广州文华东方酒店地下一层人力资源部 •可于当日携带身份证、个人简历及一张一寸照片至酒店面试。