This position is for Rooms & F&B Service.
You will be responsible to assist with the efficient running of the department in line with Hyatt International's Corporate Strategies and brand standards, whilst meeting employee, guest and owner expectations.
The Corporate Training Programme has been designed for those graduates with the greatest potential to become part of our top management team of tomorrow and provides them with the additional training necessary to take on the responsibilities of a management position and to progress rapidly within our company.
The programme is customized to each individual's training needs, previous work experience and personal objectives, and is designed to accommodate the Trainee's own career aspirations and the company's professional standards of performance.
The pace of the programme, which sets a challenging schedule for each Trainee, is based on two phases:
1. Exposure in various departments of the hotel
2. An intensive period of training focusing on the Trainee's agreed area of interest.
The training includes both hands-on practical experience as well as opportunities for the Trainee to develop people management skills in a variety of learning environments.
公开招聘日 Recruitment Open Day时间:每周一至周五 下午15:00至17:30地点 1 酒店:三亚太阳湾柏悦酒店人力资源部(18389260258)地点 2 员工宿舍: 简历可以投至榆亚路569号(18389260704)太阳湾柏悦酒店位于有【中国海岸线上的明珠】之称的太阳湾-亚龙湾国家旅游度假区西南部,三面环山,一面向海,风景优美如画,既可以拥抱浩瀚南海的无限广博,也可以享受独立沙滩的私密和恬静。三亚太阳湾柏悦酒店可售房为188套豪华海景客房及17幢别墅,酒店周围的环山使海湾与周边渔村及旅游区相对隔离,成为一块不可多得的世外桃源。酒店各具特色的7间餐厅和24小时送餐为您提供美妙的度假村用餐体验;在水疗村舒展您的身体,开始一段心灵的spa旅程;酒店同时拥有健身中心以及3个户外游泳池(最大的泳池长度达到115米)和1个室内恒温泳池。秉承凯悦文化的精神,三亚太阳湾柏悦酒店将为员工提供具有竞争力的薪资福利和全面的培训,成为员工职业进一步发展的里程碑。精心设计的员工公寓位于三亚市区,为员工提供温馨及舒适的住宿环境,也将成为我们的员工的“家外之家”。我们期待您加入我们的团队,与我们共同致力于热情友好的正宗款客服务。