1. To ensure all ‘quality ingredients’ are professionally prepared in accordance with recipes ,plating guides ,buffet set ups , with an emphasis on maximizing production time and minimizing waste, to support the Culinary Team achieve its financial goals-targets, Food Cost.
2. To monitor the hotel kitchens operating costs and implements corrective pro-active action where necessary to reduce expenses.
3. Plans and implements effective food promotions in co-ordination with the Food & Beverage Promotion Calendar.
4. To develop “Chef’s Creations" which meet the needs of the target market and are in line with the operating concept for the restaurant-hotel.
5. To communicate and delegate the production schedule for the day, collating quantities to be produced from the forecast and for the next day's operation.
6. The ability to set up control systems, which will assure quality and portion consistency.
7. Identify Market needs and trends in terms of food for both hotel guests and local market, and Monitors and analyses the menus and products of competitive restaurants.
武汉富力威斯汀酒店是由目前世界最大的酒店管理集团万豪国际经营管理的奢华级高档的全方位服务酒店。武汉富力威斯汀酒店位于武昌积玉桥临江大道,环境幽静,可俯瞰壮观迷人的长江美景,距多家公司办事处、购物场所及历史文化景点仅咫尺之遥。 让我们精致豪华的设施和中华民族的热情好客之道唤醒您的感官。威斯汀酒店及度假村(Westin Hotels & Resorts®)堪称有益身心、焕发活力的天堂。威斯汀健身(Westin WORKOUT®)、天梦之床(Heavenly® Bed)和健康美食(SuperFoodsRx™)……所有奢华及时尚的设计均彰显威斯汀直觉灵动和个性化的品牌定位。在武汉富力威斯汀酒店,我们正在组建一支专业的团队。我们重视人才的专业背景,也重视那些适合威斯汀文化的人才。如果您准备好了迎接挑战,武汉富力威斯汀诚邀您的加入。我们相信,武汉富力威斯汀酒店是您职业发展的最佳场所;在这里,您的潜力将得到最大程度的激发。我们相信,因为有您我们将更为卓越。