1. 在工作中,严格遵守部门的工作流程标准和要求。并且协助维持并更新部门的操作手册和指南
Assists with the development, maintenance and update of a detailed Department Operations Manual that reflects policies & procedures, work processes and standards of performance within the Division. Ensures annual review to accurately reflect any changes.
2. 始终确保销售文件和系统信息的准确性和有效性
Ensures that an efficient and accurate filing system, both manuals as well as electronic, is maintained at all times.
Maintains complete and supported records of all Sales Agreements and Quotations for the Hotel.
Establishes an efficient trace file to ensure that all business booked is properly tracked.
Submits Sales report to Director of Sales in a timely manner.
6. 为销售主任统计月报表提供准确的销售记录
Provides accurate reporting of business booked to the Sales Executive for monthly consolidation.
7. 当有需要时为相关的客户或代表安排酒店参观和招待
Entertains and conducts hotel inspections to relevant representatives/ delegates whenever required.
Establishes and maintains strong relationship with the established clientele and constantly explores into new business opportunities.
9. 与相关的运作部门保持紧密的合作,确保按客人的需要提供准确的服务
Liaises and works closely with the related operation departments ensuring guests requests and expectations are being met.
10. 礼貌和有效率的处理所有客人和内部客人的投诉及询问。如果不能立刻处理该问题或投诉,将确保及时的进行后续跟进工作
Handles guest and employee enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems. If no immediate solution can be found, to ensure that the necessary follow-up is conducted in a timely manner.
11. 保持与客户以及同事之间积极良好的工作合作关系
Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.
12. 完成每月及年度的个人销售指标
Achieves the monthly and annual personal target contributing to the Sales revenue.
13. 针对酒店的年度商业计划,发展并检阅个人的销售计划。
Develops and reviews Personal Business Plan which is linked to the Hotel’s Annual Business Plan.
14. 进行广泛的市场竞争者调查,并且保持良好的酒店产品知识
Conducts extensive competitor research and maintains excellent Product Knowledge of the Hotel.
15. 始终不断的检阅本地市场,国内市场,国际市场的发展趋势,以及竞争对手的销售侧重点,以确保我们酒店的销售在市场中保有竞争性和领导地位
Constantly monitors and evaluates local, national and international market trends, and the competitor hotels’ sales initiatives, in order to make sure the hotel’s sales remain competitive and cutting edge.
16. 确保在销售工作中,无论是通过电话,合同还是书面联络都要体现出我们酒店的高水准
Ensures a high level of exposure for Hotel through direct sales solicitation via telephone, contracts and written communications.
我们相信客人选择凯悦酒店是因为凯悦员工——是凯悦员工细致周到、体贴入微的服务让客人在凯悦酒店的经历美好而难忘。因此,员工是我们成功的关键,以人为本,“我们关爱每一个人,让他们尽善尽美显真我”。是我们坚定不移的信念。我们遵循尊重、诚信、谦逊、同理心、欢乐以及创新的价值观,并提倡主动灵活的工作态度和以诚相待的团队精神。集团积极的扩张计划、系统的培训科目及持续的发展机会,给所有的员工提供了在全球凯悦成长的广阔空间。如果你立志从事酒店业,并拥有和我们同样的理念和追求,我们欢迎你加入凯悦大家庭,与我们共同成长,在款客服务的舞台上展现自我。济南富力凯悦酒店简介:济南富力凯悦酒店位于济南市核心地带,紧邻万达广场和万达写字楼,前往济南火车站及主要的城市景点,交通十分便捷。济南富力凯悦酒店是一家五星级酒店,拥有精心的设计和现代化设施。所有客房都配有MP3音乐播放器。嘉宾轩客房及套房配有 Pharmacopia (美国法瑪可雅有机洗护)洗浴用品,总统套房和外交套房专门配备了 L'OCCITANE (法国欧舒丹) 洗浴用品。宽敞的嘉宾轩酒廊可以让您欣赏到泉城美景。济南富力凯悦酒店为顾客提供创新而美味的餐饮,包括开放式厨房和符合中外宾客口味的地道饮食。中餐厅—济南府,拥有济南市稀有的“开放式厨房”。济南富力凯悦酒店在5楼拥有完善的休闲设施(水疗,游泳池,健身房和美发沙龙),为客人在繁华的市中心提供了放松身心的驿站。芳泉水疗中心以四味(酸,甜,苦,辣)为Spa理疗概念,为客人提供独一无二的护理疗程。酒店拥有济南市最大的室内恒温游泳池(长达32米)。济南富力凯悦酒店的宴会厅和大多数会议室都是自然采光。无论是商务会议还是个人宴会,受过凯悦专业培训的厨师和服务团队,都将为您提供正宗的款客服务。专属的团队入口将为您的团队提供独特的到达体验。济南富力凯悦酒店,诚邀您的加入!面试地址:山东省济南市市中区经四路187号 酒店地下一层人力资源部面试时间:周一至周五10:00~17:00联系人:Sherry联系电话:18265319120/ 0531-88281234转人力资源部(国定假日除外,直接前来应聘者请携带本人身份证及个人1寸相片一张)