If you are a hospitality professional with passion, positive attitude and noble character, you are the work partner we are looking for!
· Ensure that you fully understand the business strategy and positioning of the Anantara brand, and that you are able to effectively articulate this positioning in the marketplace.
· Maintain a personal up-to-date knowledge on all Anantara product and service offerings, and the products, services, rates and new developments of key competitors, and an awareness of general industry trends.
· To record and process all reservation inquiries made by phone, fax or email efficiently and accurately and converted to sales where possible to meet hotel targets.
· Prepare reports as requested
· Prepare and execute action plans which increase reservation sales and associated business
· Focus on assertively establishing new client contacts and developing detailed information on the potential revenues from these accounts.
· Take responsibility for your own professional development, ensuring that you have the financial literacy and negotiation skills needed to successfully do your job.
· Practice effective cost control and adhere to internal procedures for approval of expenditure
· Liaise effectively with all operational colleagues, providing support and information to ensure accurate delivery of our promise
· Drive opportunities to upsell and cross-sell Anantara products
· Maintain a full working knowledge of the IT support tools used in the world of sales today, including sales-specific software, property PMS, the Microsoft Office toolset
· Ensure that all administration is processed quickly and efficiently.
· Performs any other related duties and special projects as assigned.
Related hotel working experience is preferred.
Please forward your detailed bilingual CVs with a recent photo to us, indicate the position you would like to apply via email address:pchen@anantara.com
请发送您的个人简历(中英文)及本人近照发至邮箱 pchen@anantara.com 并在邮件名称注明应聘职位。
1. 所有员工将提供入职交通费用报销
2. 入职后将签订正式劳动雇佣合同并全额购买五险(养老、失业、医疗、工伤、生育)一金(住房公积金 -按照最高比例12%进行缴纳)
3. 根据工作级别提供4人间/双人间/单人间免费住宿(均带独立洗手间,宽带,空调, 数字电视,家俬等)宿舍区内配有健身房、娱乐室、洗衣房等
4. 免费提供员工餐厅用餐
5. 享受带薪年休假,普通员工年休假7天起
6. 享受国家及版纳州政府规定的节假日以及相关福利假期,并额外提供每年12天带薪病假
7. 各项培训活动(英语、电脑、驾驶、专业技能以及安纳塔拉在线培训课程)
8. 公平的晋升机制以及定制的个人发展计划
西双版纳安纳塔拉度假酒店 西双版纳安纳塔拉度假酒店是由云投集团投资并由MINOR美诺国际酒店管理集团管理的一家位于云南西双版纳州勐仑旅游小镇的顶级奢华国际品牌度假酒店。 酒店坐落于距离西双版纳州首府景洪市约一小时车程的勐仑镇上,从机场驱车前往酒店,沿途热带雨林、红土植被、峡谷、溪流、橡胶林、芭蕉林等错落有致,令人身心放松心旷神怡。作为勐仑国际旅游小镇的重要要组成部分,酒店占地总面积达156亩,宁静地侧卧于傣乡罗梭江畔,与闻名遐迩的国家五A级景区中科院热带植物园隔江相望,周边环绕着野象谷、橄榄坝、望天树、曼飞龙、基诺山等当地著名景点。酒店共有103间具有浓烈傣族风情的豪华客房及泳池花园别墅,已于2013年2月4日全面开业。 ANANTARA XISHUANGBANNA RESORT & SPA Resort opened in Feburary of 2013, Anantara Xishuangbanna Resort & SPA is set to become one of Asia’s finest resorts. This exclusive resort has 103 rooms including luxurious villas situated in picturesque Yunnan province, Southern China, overlooking the Luosuo River. This luxury 5 star resort will be unrivaled in its personalized and indigenous services and facilities in China. It will feature 2 signature restaurants, an Anantara Spa, individual villas and suites with private pools and extensive recreational facilities. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 美诺国际MINOR INTERNATIONAL MINOR INTERNATIONAL美诺国际是一家专业经营酒店业、休闲业、餐饮业、零售业的大型上市公司,在泰国证交所市值达20亿美金,同时也是被翰威特公司评选的亚洲最佳雇主之一。 美诺国际酒店管理集团是美诺国际的下属公司,在全世界共拥有并经营着23家Anantara安纳塔拉酒店(中国、马尔代夫、巴厘岛、普吉岛、苏梅岛、曼谷、华欣、金三角、阿布达比等地)、4家Four Seasons四季酒店(清迈、清莱、苏梅岛、曼谷)、1家St. Regis瑞吉酒店(曼谷)、 1家JW Marriott万豪酒店(普吉岛)、3家Marriott万豪酒店(华欣、芭提雅、曼谷)。 ANANTARA安纳塔酒店品牌也是GHA (Global Hotel Alliance)、SLH (Small Luxury Hotels)、LHW (The Leading Small Hotels Of the World)、Virtuoso、Kiwi Collection等世界顶级酒店联盟组织的成员。西双版纳安纳塔拉度假酒店将是安纳塔拉这一度假酒店的顶级品牌在中国的第一家酒店。 MSPA INTERNATIONAL也是美诺国际的下属公司,专业管理与经营着遍布全球的顶级水疗SPA,旗下著名水疗品牌包括Anantara SPA安纳塔拉水疗(马尔代夫笛古安纳塔拉度假酒店、上海璞麗酒店、北京长城脚下公社凯宾斯基酒店等)、Mandara SPA蔓达梦水疗(普吉岛JW万豪度假酒店、上海明天广场JW万豪酒店、三亚喜来登度假酒店、丽江铂尔曼度假酒店等)、Aequalis SPA爱可丽斯水疗。