1. 有效的执行工作程序;
2. 时刻保持厨房、洗碗处、垃圾房、库房及其它工作区域高标准的卫生、清洁及安全;
3. 严格执行上级下达的各项任务;
4. 严格执行所有的标准与程序以完成工作任务;
5. 组织、领导、指导和帮助员工工作和及时向管事长汇报所有部门内发生的问题。
蓝湾绿城威斯汀度假酒店位于温暖宜人的海南陵水,拥有334间迷人客房与套房。房间采用精巧的设计,设有超大阳台。所有房间均配备威斯汀天梦之床,将带给你一夜酣眠好梦,亦可180度任你饱览中国南海的壮丽美景,让你重拾最佳状态。 让我们重新定义你对商务会议、大型庆典、婚礼或社交活动的标准。酒店拥有总面积达2,624平米的活动空间,包括宴会厅、宽敞迎宾区、9间独立会议室,高效工作充分体现。 营养美味的各色美食,尤其是对身体具有滋养作用的活力食品(SuperFoodsRx™),可供你尽情品鉴探索。知味标帜餐厅位于泳池池畔,领略南海风光的同时愉悦味蕾,餐厅提供了自助及零点菜单选择,充满活力的色调与新鲜的食材,连同互动烹饪元素,为你呈现滋养美味的餐饮体验。中国元素则是享用杭帮菜以及其他地域中式菜肴的完美之地,并设有私人包房,让你尽享私密用餐环境。蓝湾绿城威斯汀度假酒店提供一系列创新计划与卓绝服务,全方位为你打造焕发活力的体验。在威斯汀,每一项独具特色的服务均旨在成就更精彩的你。位于酒店1层的室外无边际游泳池和冲浪池,是提升精力与注意力,开启美好一天的最佳场所,舒畅身心及活力运动完美结合。宾客可进入威斯汀健身中心(WestinWORKOUT®),使用自由重量器材、有氧运动设备等为健康充电。酒店拥有中国最大的威斯汀天梦水疗(Heavenly® Spa),建筑面积共2,800平方米,拥有贵宾水疗别墅及多个私家水疗别墅等,宾客纵情享受静谧安宁环境的同时,将享受一系列焕发活力的专业护理。 休闲时光畅享,妙趣玩乐其中。酒店位于清水湾的蓝湾小镇,这里集18洞鉴湖·蓝湾高尔夫球场、高尔夫会所、商业中心、各类滨海度假服务设施及高档生活社区融为一体,按照世界顶级的度假社区进行打造。酒店距离三亚凤凰国际机场仅66公里,出发30分钟车程内可抵达多个著名景区,如南湾猴岛、椰子洲岛、香水湾、吊罗山和小妹湖等。 The Westin Blue Bay Resort & Spa is located in the tropical paradise Lingshui, Hainan. Each of our 334 inspiring guest rooms and suites offer great size balcony. You can get an amazing night's rest in our Heavenly® Bed and enjoy the 180 degree sea views over the South China Sea in each room. Those are designed to let you to be at your best. Let us redefine your standards for a powerful business meeting, conference, formal wedding or social occasion. We offer 9 individual meeting and function spaces, Grand Ballroom and large pre-function area with a total of 2,624 square meters of space. Our dining and entertainment options are yours to explore, with a selection of venues that invite you to eat well. The Westin Blue Bay Resort & Spa is proud to offer SuperFoodsRX™ among its culinary offerings; proven to nourish and replenish your body. With breathtaking views of the pool and sea, the signature restaurant Seasonal Tastes proves itself to be a perfect venue for buffet lovers. Interactive show kitchens and imaginative international menus are presented all day long. Chinese Restaurant Five Sen5es serves authentic Hangzhou and Shanghai cuisine. The restaurant also houses elegantly appointed private dining rooms that are ideal for special celebrations. Our innovative programs and instinctive service transform every aspect of your stay into a revitalizing experience. At The Westin Blue Bay Resort & Spa, each of our signature offerings has been designed with a better you in mind. Outdoor swimming pool and surf pool located on the 1st Floor are a great way to generate the energy and focus your needs to excel throughout the day. Guests can take a refreshing dip in our WestinWORKOUT® Fitness Center. Hotel is also home to China’s largest Heavenly® Spa by Westin, where guests will be able to receive personal guidance while enjoying all the Westin brand’s signature wellness programs and amenities. Situated in a breath-taking landscaped enclave called Blue Bay Greentown in Lingshui, it is a stunning resort community featuring world-class resort facilities such as the world-class 18-hole championship Jian Lake Blue Bay Golf Course, golf club, commercial center and upscale properties. Situated just 66 kilometers from Sanya Phoenix International Airport, several natural scenic spots in Lingshui such as Nanwan Monkey Island, Diaoluo Mountain, and Xiaomei Lake are also within a short 30 minute drive away from the resort.酒店地址: 海南省 陵水县 新村镇 蓝湾绿城威斯汀度假酒店三亚方向 :从三亚汽车总站乘坐到清水湾的班车到清水湾汽车站海口方向 :从陵水动车站乘坐到新村镇的班车到新村镇温馨提示:面试时请携带一寸彩照1张,个人简历一份,身份证及相关学历/技能证书原件及复印件。