1. 熟知当天预订情况,记录宾客的特别活动(如生日庆祝会),尤其记住即将来店的贵宾、常客的姓名,做好迎接宾客准备。
2. 接待到访宾客,提供热情周到的服务,为宾客创造愉快的用餐体验。
3. 熟知餐饮岗位知识及酒店产品知识,及时解答宾客的疑问。
4. 与厨师团队紧密合作,提供专业的侍餐侍酒服务,将每一道菜品完美呈现给客人。
6. 及时处理宾客的投诉和反馈,确保宾客满意度。
7. 维护和保持餐厅区域的整洁和卫生,确保为宾客提供舒适干净的环境。
1. 女生身高不低于165cm,男生身高不低于175cm,形象气质良好,身体健康。
2. 中专以上学历,有餐饮服务经验优先,能够接受培训,学习能力强。
3. 有英文基础,能够持续学习与提升。
4. 具备良好的沟通能力及主动服务意识,有亲和力。
上海绿瘦酒店是由绿瘦集团投资,按照国际标准精心打造的的集商务、会议、休闲、度假为一体的五星级酒店。 诚挚邀请,寻求职业发展的精英人士,加入绿瘦,与绿瘦人共同成长。 Invested by Lvshou Group, Shanghai Lvshou Hotel is designed and renovated as high profile standard with business application, conventions, recreations and vacation. Sincerely invite anyone who is interested in developing his/her career in lvshou Hotel, do join us and grow with us! 酒店位于具有悠久文化传承的七宝古镇上,是大虹桥经济区的中心地带,交通极其便利。酒店内装修豪华、设施齐全,是您高档接待、商务、休闲和度假的理想之选。酒店的餐饮部随时为来至四面八方的中外宾客提供各式美味佳肴,即有正宗的上海菜、淮扬菜、广帮菜,又有口味地道的日本餐厅、西餐厅和浓郁亚热带风光的东南亚餐厅。在您满足味蕾的同时又能领略各个地域的文化精髓。从40平米的小会议室到1200平米的无柱宴会厅及先进的同声翻译系统、视频会议系统为阁下的会议筹备和成功举办提供了有力的保障。 Located in thousands years Qibao Ancient Town, the hotel is so accessible. It is an ideal option to choose our hotel for reception, commerce and recreations because of the luxury and functional designing. Our Dinning Department is ready at any time to provide diversified cuisine, not only the traditional Shanghai cuisine, Huaiyang Cuisine, Canton Cuisine, but also the fine Japanese Cuisine, Western-Style Restaurant and the Southeast Asia style Cuisine. You could enjoy the yummy food, at the same time, experience the charming culture. Our hotel offers various-size meeting hall from 40 sqm to 1200 sqm ballroom without pillars. All the rooms are equipped with advanced simultaneous interpretation system, videoconference system, which guarantees the success of the business.