Managing the operation of the Guest Relation by assisting our guests with enthusiasm, efficiency and professionally at all times. Always maintaining the Rosewood’s high standards of service and hospitality. Have a thorough knowledge of all Guest Relation operations. Providing information and training to Guest Relation associates when needed. Maintain Rosewood high standards of service and hospitality at all times.
- Ensures the Guest Relations Team maintain complete knowledge of and comply with all departmental policies, service procedures and standards (Hotel & LQA) on a daily basis.- Monitor TrustYou and take necessary action to ensure service level and engagement are always up to hotel standard and goal set by the management in order to maintain high customers’ satisfaction and loyalty.- Determine the selling procedures of the day and ensure your team is aware. Inform your shift of any facts relevant for that day.- Motivate and provide a working environment in which associates are productive and working together to their strongest ability. Ensure positive communication with associates and manager, keeping morale high.- At all times strive to represent hotel in most professional, courteous and efficient manner.- Communicate all new policies and procedures to all associates.- Continuously strive for new thoughts and ideas to improve and strengthen the Guest Relation, up-dating procedures and implementing them.- Handle any guests’ problems or complaints in an understanding and hospitable manner. Ensure they are resolved and followed through- Monitor associates appearance on a daily basis, ensure the correct dress code is adhered to, to maintain our professional image.- Quickly establishes rapport and develops friendly relationships with regular hotel clients.
广州瑰丽酒店位于广州最高的建筑 – 高达530米的周大福金融中心。这间超奢华的酒店拥有251间客房,355间瑰丽府邸,其中23间为复式豪华府邸。广州瑰丽酒店提供7个餐饮选择,包括中餐厅、咖啡厅、酒吧、大堂酒廊及美食店。酒店的107层设有现代化的时尚餐厅,以及带雪茄恒温调湿贮藏室的天际酒吧,内备齐全品酒器及酒窖,两者各打造室内外空间供宾客尽享尊贵体验。广州瑰丽酒店的府邸式行政酒廊瑞阁(The Manor Club)环境私密,为宾客提供全新设施及一系列尊贵礼遇服务。酒店会议中心臻享完美空间,包括府邸式会议间丽府(The Pavilion)、高级宴会厅、三间多功能会议室、两间贵宾厅、一间画阁套房和一间位于酒店108层高处的丽雅阁(Mansion)。酒店文化休闲设施多样,引入足占两层的SENSE水疗中心,缔造3间水疗套房,健身中心和室内泳池。在广州瑰丽酒店这座高耸入云的城市乐土中,宾客将其视为中国完美且兼具现代化的酒店代表之一:时尚与艺术的设计美学糅合现代住宅式风格,渗透至整个酒店。广州瑰丽酒店不仅提供251间极具时尚、设施完善的客房及套房,同时还提供时尚精致的服务式公寓以及各类创新的餐饮体验——这里也将注定是广州最令人兴奋的美食目的地。酒店还配备了该地区最大的水疗与健身中心,以及用于婚礼、庆典和企业会议活动的独具创新性和综合性的多功能空间。酒店坐落于交通便利之处,步行即可到达广州市最重要的文化和商业景点。由全球知名的美国建筑公司Kohn Pedersen Fox设计,高达108层的周大福金融中心是经典奢华与匠心的完美结合。广州瑰丽酒店及广州瑰丽府邸占据其建筑顶端的39层楼,酒店不仅在多个方面体现了酒店的先锋性,还同时拥有世界上速度最快的电梯(21米/秒),以及中国大陆最高的酒吧、餐厅、活动空间和行政酒廊,皆可拥享横跨珠江、广州市中心和附近白云山的绝美景色。瑰丽酒店集团简介:瑰丽酒店于15个国家管理共28间风格独一无二的奢华酒店,另有19个新酒店发展项目。旗下酒店均秉承A Sense of Place®的品牌理念,在设计、服务与设施等各方面充分展现酒店当地的历史、建筑、文化等独特风情。瑰丽品牌拥有一些全球最富传奇色彩的酒店和度假酒店,包括纽约瑰丽酒店、达拉斯瑰丽酒店、巴黎瑰丽酒店及展现新经典的北京瑰丽酒店、伦敦瑰丽酒店及香港瑰丽酒店等。周大福金融中心简介: 周大福金融中心于2016年建成,楼面面积达500,000平方米,楼高达530米,是广州市内最高的多用途建筑物。面对广州西塔的周大福金融中心位处地铁三号线、五号线和APM线,设有甲级K11办公室、K11购物艺术馆、广州瑰丽酒店及瑰丽府邸。K11办公室于2016年首季度开幕,以招徕财富杂志500环球企业及提供广州市最大型商务会所,以博物馆购物概念主导的K11购物艺术馆于2016年第三季开幕。位于市内经济中心的周大福金融中心与多个主要地标及文化要点仅咫尺之距。