Job Overview 职位概述
Assist the Engineering superior
with general hotel and building maintenance and ensure that work is
completed to a high standard within your established trade which meets
the needs and expectations of your customers.协助工程主管负责整个酒店及大厦的维修,确保在你的专业领域中高标准完成工作并满足客户的需要和期望。
Duties and Responsibilities 工作职责
Attend PMM work in the guest room
to repairs and painting of all surface walls, floors, facades, ceilings
and equipment both indoor and outdoor with either enamel or emulsion
paint as required to match existing finish..负责维修及所有墙面,地板、外墙、天花板和设备的内外瓷漆或乳胶漆的上漆,以配合现有的未道漆。
Attends to varnishing items such a doors, windows, timber panels and furniture.
Responsible for preparation of all surfaces prior to painting or varnishing.
Carries out spray painting of equipment, furniture or related surfaces as required.
to repairs of damaged / cracked surfaces which may include concrete,
plastering, stonework, block work, wall and floor ceramic tiling and
marble works.负责维修损坏/破裂的表面,其包括混凝土、抹灰、石雕、预制切块体、墙壁和地板瓷砖及大理石制品。
Attends to repair / installation of vinyl floor tiles, false ceilings.
building repair and maintenance work in the Hotel premises including
any new additions / extensions to the Hotel or any other properties
maintained by the Hotel.负责酒店内的维修工作,包括酒店的任何新的补充/扩展或酒店维修的任何物业事项。
Participates in Hotel Energy Conservation Program.
initiative and foresight to undertake tasks outlined within the
preventative maintenance program without the direction of the Shift
Engineer/Chief Engineer.在没有当班工程师/总工程师指导的情况下,主动并预见性的着手于预防性维修计划中规定的工作任务。
Qualifications and Requirements 任职要求
vocational training plus 2 years of experience in any types of interior
decoration work and prefer 1 year in hotel experience, or an equivalent
combination of education and experience. Professional certification and
license if required by law.获得职业培训以及2年在任何类型的室内装修方面的工作经验,有1年酒店从业经验者优先,或同等的教育和工作经验。持有法律规定要求的职业资格认证和许可。
Tel招聘电话: + 86 (898) 8865 8888-7516(working period is 9AM-6PM in working days工作时间为工作日上午9点至下午6点
三亚海棠湾天房洲际度假酒店地处国家海岸 - 海棠湾,坐拥碧海幼沙,绵延椰林。酒店占地15万平方米,如一条巨龙在海岸线傲世而立。设计主张清逸的现代海岛风情,3,000平方米开放式大堂,将南中国海景致一览无遗。295套客房配置卓越,精心雕琢的观景角度完美聆海听涛。7间餐厅与酒吧专供创意美食,独具特色的海洋餐厅,咫尺探寻海底神秘。静宜享受水疗会所的禅意,动宜徜徉阳光下1,500平方米泳池。1,200平方米穹顶无柱宴会区,巧思设计并拥揽海景,15,000平方米户外海景草坪可称心组合拆分,量身定制海底浪漫婚典或会务活动。我们正在寻找能为我们带来激情与能量的人才,选择加入我们。投递简历:请通过最佳东方网站往意向职位投递简历;或通过邮箱投递,需在邮件标题注明您的求职意向。格式:申请部门 - 职位 - 您的姓名,简历请附个人近期彩照。☆面试请携带个人简历、身份证件、相关学历及技能资格证明、一寸彩色近照。您可在水利大厦、鹿回头广场、大东海广场、吉阳市场搭乘34路公交车;或在三亚火车站、迎宾花园、市总工会、同心家园(三期)搭乘35路公交车前往酒店。