Deliver Food and Beverage service of high standard and in accordance with departmental standards and procedures 按照部门的标准和程序,为客人提供高品质的食品和酒水服务.
Communicates to his/her superior any difficulties, guest comments and other relevant information 与上级进行沟通,如: 遇到的困难, 客人的建议以及相关信息.
Establishes and maintains effective employee working relationships 建立和保持高效率的员工工作关系
Attends and participates in daily briefings and other meetings as scheduled 按照日程安排参加每日的餐前会以及其他会议.
Prepares for service by ensuring: 服务前应做到:
Grooming is impeccable and in accordance with ICHG personal presentation standards 个人外表清洁卫生并符合ICHG个人标准.
Service equipment is clean服务器皿都是干净卫生的
Equipment is sorted and stored所有的物品都是分类有序的摆放
Glassware is polished 玻璃器皿光洁如新.
Flatware is polished 刀叉等餐具都是光亮的
China is clean 瓷器是干净的
Waiter stations are prepared服务台的准备工作都已经做好
Cutlery is placed for buffet and table service餐具在布非台上和餐台上摆放好
Tables are set餐台已经准备好
Reservations are read and familiarized阅读并熟记所有的预订.
Special occasions are ready特别的事项都已经协调好.
Music is on音乐已经打开
Lighting is on灯光调节合适状态
Service staff is ready for serve guest comfort服务员已准备好,提供好的服务
Carries out effective service by ensuring: 提供有效的服务应该做到以下几点:
Guests are greeted and seated礼貌迎接并协助客人坐下
Daily specials are explained and up-sold为客人推销每日特色菜并作出详细的说明
Food orders are processed accurately按正确的程序为客人点菜
Trays and tray jacks are effectively used有效的使用托盘和托盘架进行服务
Food orders are taken quickly食品下单快速
Payment methods are handled accurately 按正确程序的为客人买单
Working areas are cleaned and re-set quickly工作区域保持干净并能快速翻台.
Bar is clean吧台整洁
Used ashtrays are regularly cleaned有规律性的服务清洁烟灰缸
Guests are conversed with in relation to the food and beverage products让客人对俱乐部的酒水以及食品有更进一步的了解和认识.
Carries out effective beverage service by ensuring:有效提供酒水服务应保证一下几点:
Beverages are up sold and regularly replenished, abiding by responsible alcohol service regulations按照酒水服务的标准进行销售酒水,并且及时补充卖出的酒水.
Converse with Guests about wine, advising the types and styles of wine, taking wine orders and serving wine为客人提供葡萄酒的服务并给予客人建议, 就相关话题进行交流,能够介绍葡萄酒种类和 其具备的不同风格.
Promoting and selling cocktails to guests向客人推荐并销售鸡尾酒.
Making and presenting cocktails现场制作鸡尾酒.
Coffee and tea is served hot and in accordance with standard按照标准为客人提供标准温度的咖啡和茶.
Take appropriate action to resolve guest complaints采取恰当的方式解决客人的投诉.
Food and beverage stock is stored in relation to hotel procedures按照酒店的标准对食品和酒水进行存放.
Performs related duties and special projects as assigned特别计划分配完成的相关任务
Complete Tertiary education. Experience in the hospitality industry, similar position experience in an international chained hotel is preferred. Knowledge of food and beverage product and service. 高等教育学历,具备酒店行业工作经验,在国际连锁酒店工作经验者优先。具有一定餐饮产品知识及服务技能。
This job requires ability to perform the following 此职务要求有能力完成下列活动:
Good command of English具备良好的英文技能
Integrity and motivation诚实并且主动
Pleasant Personality个性开朗
Young and dynamic年轻有活力
Eager to learn求知欲强
Fit for working long hours适应长时间的工作
Goal Focus确定目标
Basic knowledge of Food and Beverage具备餐饮业的基础知识
Well groomed and composed形象好,冷静沉着
Communication skills are utilized a significant amount of time when interacting with others; demonstrated ability to interact with guests, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. 与他人交互时需要具备良好的沟通技能,具备与宾客、员工和第三方高水平地交互,及展现酒店、品牌和公司良好精神面貌的能力。
Reading and writing abilities are utilized often when completing paperwork, interpreting results, receiving instructions, and training. 在完成书面工作、解释结果、接受指导、培训时需要频繁使用阅读和书写能力。
May be required to work nights, weekends, and/or holidays. 可能需要在夜间、周末和假日期间上班。
Tel招聘电话: + 86 (898) 8865 8888-7516(working period is 9AM-6PM in working days工作时间为工作日上午9点至下午6点)
Email招聘邮箱: Sienna.Xian@ichaitangbay.com
三亚海棠湾天房洲际度假酒店地处国家海岸 - 海棠湾,坐拥碧海幼沙,绵延椰林。酒店占地15万平方米,如一条巨龙在海岸线傲世而立。设计主张清逸的现代海岛风情,3,000平方米开放式大堂,将南中国海景致一览无遗。295套客房配置卓越,精心雕琢的观景角度完美聆海听涛。7间餐厅与酒吧专供创意美食,独具特色的海洋餐厅,咫尺探寻海底神秘。静宜享受水疗会所的禅意,动宜徜徉阳光下1,500平方米泳池。1,200平方米穹顶无柱宴会区,巧思设计并拥揽海景,15,000平方米户外海景草坪可称心组合拆分,量身定制海底浪漫婚典或会务活动。我们正在寻找能为我们带来激情与能量的人才,选择加入我们。投递简历:请通过最佳东方网站往意向职位投递简历;或通过邮箱投递,需在邮件标题注明您的求职意向。格式:申请部门 - 职位 - 您的姓名,简历请附个人近期彩照。☆面试请携带个人简历、身份证件、相关学历及技能资格证明、一寸彩色近照。您可在水利大厦、鹿回头广场、大东海广场、吉阳市场搭乘34路公交车;或在三亚火车站、迎宾花园、市总工会、同心家园(三期)搭乘35路公交车前往酒店。