Conducts regular divisional communications meetings and ensure that departmental briefings and meetings are effective and conducted as necessary.
Provides the Materials Department with detailed Product and Purchase Specifications for items used in the outlet.
Maximises employee productivity through the use of multi-skilling, multi-tasking and flexible scheduling to meet the financial goals of the business as well as the expectations of the guests.通过在整个部门内建立灵活的员工编制,实施高效的薪资管理/资源分配。这将依据一个灵活的员工基数、多技能及多任务的原则。
Focuses attention on improving productivity levels and the need to prudently manage utility/payroll costs within acceptable guidelines ensuring optimum deployment and energy efficiency of all equipment.
Ensures that breakages are administered so as to provide constant feedback to the operation as a tool to reduce breakages and losses.
Strictly adheres to the established operating expenses and ensures that all costs are controlled.
Participates in the formulation of Annual Operating Budget in determining projected operating expenses, operating equipment and FF&E requirements in line with the compilation of the Annual Business Plan.
Assists in the inventory management and ongoing maintenance of hotel operating equipment and other assets.
Manages costs proactively based on key performance indicators, works with the respective Heads of Department as appropriate.
Ensures new technology and equipment are embraced, improving productivity whilst taking work out of the system
东莞松山湖凯悦酒店是凯悦国际在广东省的首家五星级酒店,位于松山湖高新技术产业开发区,毗邻松山湖管委会行政办公中心。东莞凯悦酒店坐落于静谧的松山湖畔,四周碧水环绕,酒店占地总面积20万平方米,还有一片占地面积1万平方米的荔枝林,酒店主要设施有:320间豪华客房,雄伟大堂、中西特色餐厅、多功能宴会厅、扒房、酒吧、会议室、室内外泳池及水疗康体中心,美国的设计公司BLD (Bilkey Llinas Design)创新地运用了大量玻璃墙幕,使所有的设施都巧妙地与大自然融为一体,让宾客毫无阻隔的欣赏迷人湖景。酒店周边毗邻25个高尔夫球场,邻近深圳、广州和香港,是珠江三角洲地区难得的商务休闲胜地。东莞凯悦酒店也是广州交易会的热门酒店选择。 我们期待着你们加入凯悦的大家庭! 每周三为公开招聘日有意者请直接前往东莞松山湖凯悦酒店人力资源部面试