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我们的集团---“中信集团公司”中信集团公司,是经改革开放总设计师邓小平亲自倡导和批准,由前国家副主席荣毅仁于1979年10月4日创办的。中信集团现已成大规模的国际化大型跨国企业集团。中信集团目前拥有44家子公司(银行),其中包括设在香港、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等地的子公司;在东京、纽约设立了代表处。中信集团的业务主要集中在金融、实业和其它服务业领域。Our Company ---CITIC GroupCITIC Group has been established by former Deputy President Mr. Yiren Rong on 4th of October, 1979 and authorized by Mr. Xiaoping Deng. CITIC Group, a large-scale Global international group is formed by 44 subsidiary companies in Hong Kong, USA, Canada and other countries and regions. CITIC focuses on finance, industrial business and hospitality industry.我们的酒店---“中信井冈山会议中心”中信井冈山会议中心位于红色旅游胜地井冈山,按白金五星级酒店标准兴建,总投资超过10亿元,总占地面积120000㎡,客房分三期工程,客房总数为1000间。酒店配备10间多功能会议室,其中最大会议厅挑高9米,面积1200㎡,可同时容纳1500人开会。酒店同时配有室外网球场、健身房、桌球室、乒乓球室、SPA水疗馆等超一流娱乐休闲健身设施。Our hotel--- CITIC Convention Center (tentative title)CITIC International Convention Center (tentative title) which is located in the famous “Red Tourism” destination, Jinggangshan city with the area over 120000㎡and investment of over 1 billion aims to be a luxurious five star hotel. 10 multifunctional conference rooms are offered with one banqueting hall with 1200㎡ which may accommodate an up to 1500 people at the same time. A series of facilities including outdoor tennis courts, fitness center, billiards, table tennis courts and SPA salon for guests to relax themselves during the conference are equipped.?欢迎您的加入!Welcome to join us!?