ABOUT LACADIERE蔚蓝城市控股集团LACADIERE,以引领高端城市生活为己任,为美好生活而来。LACADIERE was founded for a better life.自2008年创立以来,始终秉承“追求极致”的品牌精神,坚持和执着于高端领域。作为豪宅专家,集团旗下全资子公司蔚蓝卡地亚置业集团开发建设的“中国十大超级豪宅”牧马山蔚蓝卡地亚,是塔尖阶层身份的象征、财富的传承。Founded in 2008,LACADIERE has been adhering to the brand spirit of "Pursue theUltimate“ and has always dedicated to build the high-end properties. As anexpert in luxury properties, LACADIERE MUMASHAN was named as one of the"Top 10 Super Luxury Properties in China" which is a symbol of wealthfor the elite class.LACADIERE始终在思考,如何在城市的喧嚣中寻觅一片静谧,实现人们对所有美好生活的憧憬。2016年,秉承“不能改变一座城,就为你创造一座城”的品牌大理想,LACADIERE开启蔚蓝双城的造城之旅。「花园城」和「湖滨城」涵盖城市商业、酒店式公馆、花园住宅、艺术中心、城市物业等丰富城市业态及多元化发展经营模式,全维度为客户呈现极致的生活方式,已然成为城市美好生活孜孜不倦的引领者和理想范本。In 2016, adhering to the brand ideal of“Create a City for You”, LACADIERE embarked on a journey of city creating. TheGARDEN CITY and LAKE CITY cover a variety of urban operation business,including city commerce, garden residences, service apartments, art center,property management, etc.2023年,蔚蓝城市控股集团发布双品牌战略,成立全资子公司蔚蓝城市商管集团,其将与母公司旗下另一个全资子公司蔚蓝卡地亚置业集团一同为「花园城」和「湖滨城」提供优质产品和极致服务,不懈探索和充盈国际化生活风尚的无限可能。地产+商业,造城+营城的双品牌战略,必将更好地为蔚蓝双城卓越的开发进程和可持续的城市运营提供核心动力。In 2023, LACADIERE launched the brand strategy of city building and cityoperation, which aims to provide core impetus for the excellent developmentprocess and sustainable urban operation of GARDEN CITY and LAKE CITY.