1. 实习生招聘人力资源部
2. 有相应专业学习的学生为佳
3. 有相应酒店实习生经历的学生为佳
4. 可以实习的时间不低于4个月(可持续4-6个月为佳)
4. 宿舍步行可达,独立卫生间
上海嘉定凯悦酒店由世界著名建筑大师安藤忠雄设计,是嘉定新城文化艺术与高尚生活最闪耀的新地标。作为嘉定中央商务区整体规划的核心组成部分,上海嘉定凯悦酒店更令全城瞩目,万众期待。酒店毗邻上海保利大剧院、远香湖与嘉定图书馆,形成了上海西北地区一个充满活力的文化纽带。Designed by world-renowned architect Tadao Ando, our landmark address shines as a beacon of contemporary culture and lifestyle above Jiading New City. A stunning centerpiece of Jiading CBD’s impressive masterplan, the hotel stands adjacent to Shanghai Poly Grand Theater, Yuan Xiang Lake and Jiading Library, forming a vibrant cultural nexus in northwest Shanghai. 酒店地理位置优越,环伺上海国际赛车场、安亭国际汽车城与嘉定工业区。客人可稍稍移步至周边的南翔古镇与安亭老街,感受800年的嘉定建县历史以及体验独特的传统文化。酒店往返国家会展中心、虹桥国际机场、虹桥火车站之间仅需30分钟车程。The location offers convenient access to the Shanghai International Race Circuit, Anting International Automobile City and Jiading Industry Zone. Guests can discover 800 years of local culture at nearby Nanxiang Old Town and Anting Old Street. The National Exhibition and Convention Center, Hongqiao International Airport and Hongqiao Railway Station are also a short drive away.酒店设有303间现代优雅客房,包括23间套房、4间行政套房和1间总统套房。无论商务出差,还是休闲度假,在此下榻都将令您心旷神怡。温馨舒适的客房犹如家外之家,现代韵味的艺术壁画、开阔的远香湖和嘉定城市美景、各种最新智能科技,让您随时与世界保持同步。Whether you’re here for business or pleasure, you’ll feel fully refreshed in our 303 savvy guestrooms, including 23 suites, four executive suites and a presidential suite. Styled with residential warmth and modern art murals, each room showcases panoramic lake or city views and smart technology to keep you connected. 凯悦酒店历来以卓越的餐饮体验享誉世界。上海嘉定凯悦酒店拥有三间凌驾于城市上空的餐厅和酒廊,分别为享悦中餐厅、咖啡厅和大堂酒廊。另加的酥园西点屋,每一间餐厅都美轮美奂,个性鲜明,独揽胜景。Discover Hyatt's reputation for dining excellence at sky-high restaurants and eateries – Xiang Yue Chinese restaurant, Market Café interactive dining and The Lounge – all with top-of-the-city views and sleek designs. The Pastry Shop on the Ground Floor also provides freshly baked pastries, cakes and beverages.