1. Ensure the quality of the food items and notify supervisor if a product does not meet specifications.
2. Follow appropriate personal hygiene procedures to ensure food served to employees is safe for consumption, including disinfecting hands prior to handling food and wearing a hat/hairnet and proper footwear.
3. Follow and ensure compliance with food safety and handling policies and procedures, such as product rotation, First In-First Out (FIFO); dating, labeling, cleaning, and organizing coolers/freezers/storage areas; and Cold Chain compliance, across all food-related departments and areas.
4. Prepare all potentially hazardous foods at the correct temperature according to the HACCP guidelines.
Communicate any assistance needed during busy periods to the Chef to ensure optimum service to guests.
5. Monitor the quantity of food that is prepared and the portions that are served in to control food waste and ensure that good food is not thrown away.
6. Check and ensure the correctness of the temperature of appliances and food using thermostats and thermometers, including monitoring freezer systems, such as fans, drains, and doors, for proper operation, and report issues or problems to facility management.
7. Operate ovens, stoves, grills, microwaves, and fryers to prepare foods.
8. Maintain kitchen logs for food safety program compliance.
9. Report maintenance issues immediately to appropriate personnel (i.e., management or maintenance).
10. Maintain up-to-date knowledge of company Food Safety Programs within assigned area of responsibility, as well as all local, state, and federal regulations.
11. Inform Chef of any excess food items that can be used in daily specials or elsewhere.
12. Maintain food logs for all food products (e.g., production charts).
丽思卡尔顿酒店为每位人才提供平等的就业机会西安丽思卡尔顿酒店西安丽思卡尔顿酒店强势入驻古都西安,它矗立在长安城的时尚之区——高新,是华灯璀璨的CBD中拥有龙血凤髓的“优雅之地”,将带领每位宾客感受现代时尚与历史古韵遇见的魅力。西安丽思卡尔顿酒店共拥有285间客房,四间风格各异的餐厅与大堂酒廊,与此同时,独具一格的屋顶酒吧为商务客人的休闲时光带来无数灵感。西安丽思卡尔顿酒店与大型高端购物中心中大国际连为一体,它的到来为西安注入无限活力,也将成为宾客探索这座梦幻古城的完美起点。 我们的座右铭:我们以绅士淑女的态度为绅士淑女们忠诚服务我们的绅士淑女是对客服务承诺中最重要的资源。通过实施信任、诚实、尊重、正直和承诺的原则,我们培养并充分发挥员工的天分以达到个人和企业的互利。Ritz-Carlton 致力于创造一个尊重差异化、提高生活质量、实现个人抱负、巩固Ritz-Carlton成功秘诀的工作环境。 我们的承诺: 以人为本 我们是全球为数不多就此做出书面承诺、并努力实现承诺的公司之一,这一点让我们倍感自豪。 我们的承诺写道:“我们的员工是为宾客提供卓越服务的中坚力量......丽思卡尔顿酒店努力营造重视多元化、提高生活质量和实现个人抱负的工作环境......” 我们的光辉荣誉 * 丽思卡尔顿酒店品牌获得过服务业和权威消费者组织颁发的所有主要大奖 * 我们曾两次获得美国国家质量奖的酒店品牌(服务行业的最高质量奖项)并多次获得AAA五星钻石奖 * 奢侈品调查机构授予丽思卡尔顿酒店品牌“最负盛名豪华品牌”奖 * 我们两度获得亚洲“最佳雇主”的称号,员工满意度高达100%* 荣膺胡润《2018中国奢华旅游报告》“最青睐的豪华酒店品牌”