株洲凯悦酒店HYATT REGENCY ZHUZHOU 凯悦酒店,位于湘水湾项目之南,坐拥3公里湘江江岸线,区域为湘江风光带(滨江南路延伸带)建设位置,景观、人文资源丰沃,计划建成游艇码头、杜甫文化广场等系列重要景观节点和标志性建筑,打造成湘江风光带的风光走廊及形象窗口。酒店定位为五星级度假酒店,总建筑面积4.6万余平米,建筑高度88.6米,共计21层。包括238间豪华客房和套房,集国际化的专业服务、中西精致餐饮、恒温泳池、健身中心、儿童乐园及现代氛围于一体,旨在为高端客户,提供兼顾身心的款待之道。推窗远眺,环顾湘江奔腾江面,城市万丈红尘与霓虹自然尽收眼底。宾客接待、商务会议、宴席下榻等,在滨江之畔,为湖湘名流提供妥帖的荣光礼遇。 Hyatt Regency Zhuzhou is advantageously located in the central area of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan city group, and only 7km away from Zhuzhou West Station. Overlook the Xiangjiang River in the south, Shennong City and golf course in the north of the hotel, and enjoy the fantastic natural view. The hotel offers 238 rooms and suites with a modern design and natural light. Moreover, 2400㎡ of meeting and event space including a 750㎡ pillarless Regency ballroom and 7 function rooms can perfectly cater for kinds of meetings and events along with our professional and dedicated events team. Additionally, the hotel also provides Xiangyue restaurant and the Lounge in different styles ensuring a variety of dining options.