Sales Manager
发布于 09-01
Sales Manager
乌鲁木齐 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 招1人


希尔顿拥有18大卓越酒店品牌在全球100多个国家和地区直接管理、特许经营、持有以及租赁。除了我们旗舰品牌希尔顿酒店及度假村还包括:华尔道夫酒店及度假村、LXR、康莱德酒店及度假村、希尔顿嘉悦里酒店、Signia、格芮希尔顿精选酒店、希尔顿逸林酒店及度假村、Tapestry Collection by Hilton、希尔顿尊盛酒店、Tempo、 Motto、希尔顿花园酒店、希尔顿欢朋酒店、Tru by Hilton、希尔顿欣庭酒店、希尔顿惠庭酒店和希尔顿分时度假俱乐部。在亚太,我们已有300多家在营和接近500家在开发的酒店。





· 按时完成希尔顿大学相关课程学习,并确保通过测试。

· 熟悉了解酒店产品知识,以及相关活动。

· 负责酒店所有产品的宣传与销售工作,包括但不限于客房,餐饮,宴会,等。

· 完成酒店设定的销售目标及相关任务。

· 制定销售计划并得到销售总监或商务总监的批准,按照计划 实施对所负责的地区或行业的客户进行维护及开发,通过电话销售,当面拜访等形式了解客户需求并最终达成销售。

· 高效地制作完成报价,合同并发送给客户并及时跟进。带领客户进行酒店参观。

· 操作酒店预订系统对房间及宴会场地等进行预定。

· 及时发送团队工作单,宴会工作单 同时确保相关部门接收到相关信息

· 与所负责的客户建立良好关系,维持客户资料的更新并及时将客户需求与反馈反映给酒店。

· 向客户推荐集团内其他连锁酒店。

· 主动收集市场及行业信息与销售团队其他成员分享,抓住商机并最终转换为生意确认下来。

· 了解并熟悉竞争对手的所有产品信息,包括主要客户及其产量、酒店客房、餐饮、会务相关促销信息等,并及时反馈信息给商务发展总监/销售部总监/高级销售经理。

· 在主要客户、团队负责人及贵宾到店时欢迎其光临或入住酒店。

· 激发和培训部门员工并确保他们有良好的表现。

· 通过定期的会议,确保销售团队与酒店运作团队有效的沟通,并协助宴会销售部或运营部跟进宴会或会议中发生的事件。

· 处理客人的反馈或投诉。

· 无论何时,最大化增加销售额,并对团队及宴会收入进行有效的预测。

· 根据需要在销售主任或销售代表制定团队报价或合同时进行必要的监督和指导。

· 积极参与市场计划的制定并协作达到预算。

· 认真履行所分配的工作和特殊任务。

· 如有必要,该部门有权更改或补充该职位描述。

· 根据市场需求提前设计酒店新产品,设定销售目标,并负责相关宣传和销售。

· 定期组织客户到酒店体验,或者组织与重要/有潜力客户的团队建设,维系/开发客户关系。

· 定期分析客源地城市的组成,并制定开发计划,拓展渠道。

With thousands of hotels in over 100 countries and territories, Hilton offers countless opportunities to delight. From an open door to a welcoming smile and an exceptional experience, we offer the millions of travellers who stay with us every year a welcome they will never forget. In addition to our flagship brand, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, the family of brands includes Waldorf Astoria, LXR, Conrad, Canopy, Curio Collection, DoubleTree, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton and many others.
If you appreciate the impact global travel can have on the world, you may be just the person we are looking for to work as a Hilton Team Member. Because it’s with Hilton where we never forget the reason we're here: to delight our guests, Team Members, and owners alike.
The Sales Manager assists the Director of Sales in leading and supervising the Sales Team. He / she oversees and directs all aspects of the negotiation and coordination process as well as the successful handling of Corporate / FIT / M.I.C.E. / Social / Tour & Travel events as assigned. This role leads the Sales team to ensure smooth operation of the department to maximize business opportunities and deliver the highest service standards.
What will I be doing?
As the Sales Manager, you will be responsible for performing the following tasks to the highest standards:
• Complete the relevant Hilton University courses promptly and pass the tests.
• Be familiar with hotel product knowledge and related activities.
• Responsible for the promotion and sales of all products of the hotel, including but not limited to rooms, catering, banquets, etc.
• Complete sales targets and related tasks set by the hotel.
• Develop sales plans and obtain approval from the Director of Sales or Commercial Director, maintaining and developing customers in the region or industry according to the plan.
• Understand customer needs through telephone sales, face-to-face visits and other forms, achieving sales.
• Produce quotations efficiently, send contracts to customers and follow-up promptly.
• Show clients around the hotel.
• Operate the hotel reservation system to book rooms, banquet venues, etc.
• Send the team’s work order promptly and ensure that the relevant departments receive relevant information.
• Establish a good relationship with customers, maintaining the update of customer information and promptly report customer needs and feedback to the hotel.
• Recommend other hotel chains within the group to clients.
• Proactively collect market and industry information to share with other members of the Sales team to capture business opportunities and ultimately convert to business confirmations.
• Understand and be familiar with all product information of competitors, including key customers and their output, hotel rooms, catering, conference related promotion information, and promptly feedback the information to the Commercial Director / Director of Sales / Senior Sales Manager.
• Welcome key customers, team leaders and VIPs to the hotel when they arrive.
• Motivate and train department employees and ensure that they perform well.
• Ensure effective communication between the Sales team and the hotel Operations team through regular meetings and assist the Banquet Sales or Operations department to follow-up on events occurring during the banquet or meeting.
• Handle guest feedback or complaints.
• Maximize sales at all times and effectively forecast team and banquet revenue.
• Provide necessary supervision and guidance to the Sales Director or sales representative as needed in developing team quotes or contracts.
• Actively participate in the development of marketing plans and collaborate to achieve budgets.
• Conscientiously perform assigned tasks and special tasks.
• Design new hotel products in advance according to market demand, set sales targets, and be responsible for related publicity and sales.
• Organize regular customer experience in the hotel, or organize team building with important / potential customers, maintaining and developing customer relations.
• Regularly analyze the composition of tourist source cities, formulate development plans and expand channels.
• The department reserves the right to change or supplement the job description if necessary.




· 诚挚待客: 自愿全心全意为宾客提供无与伦比的绝佳体验

· 正直诚信: 时时刻刻为所应为

· 领导核心: 力争在业界和所在社区都位居领导地位

· 团队合作: 所有工作中积极发扬团队合作精神

· 主人翁精神: 勇于为自己的行动负责并敢于做出决定

· 即时行动: 以刻不容缓的态度和纪律运营

· 大学专科

· 具有至少三年在国际连锁酒店的相关经验。

· 良好的中英文读写能力。

· 具有良好的沟通技巧。

· 能在强压下胜任工作。

· 了解本地客户的情况并具有很强的市场分析能力。

· 拥有一定的客户资源。

What are we looking for?
A Sales Manager serving Hilton Brands is always working on behalf of our Guests and working with other Team Members. To successfully fill this role, you should maintain the attitude, behaviours, skills, and values that follow:
• Hospitality: Volunteer to provide unparalleled hospitality.
• Integrity: Do what you should do all the time.
• Leadership: Strive to be a leader in both your industry and your community.
• Teamwork: Actively promote teamwork spirit in all work.
• Ownership: take responsibility for your actions and make decisions.
• Now: Operate with urgency and discipline.
• Junior College degree.
• At least 3 years of relevant experience in international hotel chains.
• Good English and Chinese reading and writing skills to meet business needs.
• Good communication skills.
• Able to work under strong pressure.
• Understand local customers and have strong market analysis ability.
• Have certain customer resources.
What will it be like to work for Hilton?
Hilton is the leading global hospitality company, spanning the lodging sector from luxurious full-service hotels and resorts to extended-stay suites and mid-priced hotels. For nearly a century, Hilton has offered business and leisure travellers the finest in accommodations, service, amenities and value. Hilton is dedicated to continuing its tradition of providing exceptional guest experiences across its global brands. Our vision to fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality unites us as a team to create remarkable hospitality experiences around the world every day. And, our amazing Team Members are at the heart of it all!

目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
对这个职位感兴趣? 最佳东方APP扫一扫 直接和HR聊一聊吧~
  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 私营.民营企业
乌鲁木齐希尔顿酒店坐落于乌鲁木齐红光山4A级风景区,毗邻新疆国际会展中心。酒店拥有宽敞舒适的客房383间,42寸液晶平板电视、华丽舒适的床具、功能齐全的办公区域及高速宽带接入,通过酒店客房近可俯瞰城市风景,远可饱览天山群峰。酒店共设有3间不同风味的餐厅和1间风格迥异的酒吧。一楼U咖啡全日餐厅充满活力,汇萃国际美食,提供自助餐和零点菜单;三楼御玺中餐厅以工艺精美的雕版印刷术为设计理念,主打粤菜和中国北方菜,拥有18个风格典雅的包间;一楼丝路清真餐厅充满西域风情,提供经典新疆风味美食,拥用7个异域风格的包间及散台区。酒店会议场地共计3000平方米,其中包含1550㎡的超大宴会厅,并配有三块LED展示屏、500m² 厅前展示区及80m²落地窗休息区,另外还有独立贵宾休息室及新娘化妆间,可同时容纳900位贵宾用餐,另外9间宽敞典雅的多功能厅可满足各类会议要求,酒店专业的会议统筹团队全程为您提供细致周到的会议服务。酒店还设有1300㎡的健身中心,内含室内游泳池、健身房、桑拿浴室,高速无线网络全酒店覆盖,乌鲁木齐希尔顿酒店是您旅行及休闲娱乐的最佳之选。
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱
  • 联系我们



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