This position is concerned with the efficient and professional service of food and beverages, while ensuring guests receive optimum service in accordance with the standards, policies and procedures of this hotel and Hilton International.
1. To serve beverages and/or food to the guests in a friendly, courteous and timely and manner, resulting in guest satisfaction. Also, to prepare beverages for other servers to supply to guests, and act as cashier for the lounge.
2. Confidently knowing the beverage menu contents and be able to explain them in detail to guests.
3. based on projections from the daily functions sheet.
4. Responsible for maintaining stock, cutting, and storing of all fresh fruit and vegetable garnishes, juices and other perishables daily to insure product quality.
5. Greets guests in a courteous and friendly manner, promotes and documents orders for drinks. Mixes, garnishes and presents drinks suing standard ingredient recipes and practicing prudent portion control. Check guests for proper identification. Detect and act upon guest inebriation as trained. Demonstrate knowledge of liquor laws.
1. To be motivated and committed, approaching all tasks with enthusiasm and seizing opportunities to learn new skills or knowledge in order to improve your personal performance.
具有积极合作的精神。以热心的态度对待所有的工作, 并乐于利用一切机会学习技能以便于改进自己的工作的技巧。
2. Must have basic knowledge of food and beverage preparation and service of various alcoholic.
酒店介绍: 海口希尔顿酒店,2016年3月18日开业,是由海航集团投资建设并委托知名国际一流酒店管理公司 — 希尔顿全球管理的、集商务旅行与休闲度假功能于一体的国际品牌酒店。 位于海口最繁华的世贸国贸双核心区域,酒店周边城市交通网络发达,出行便捷,毗邻海口港,重要交通枢纽机场、火车站、汽车站均在半小时城市生活圈。 作为海口市的地标性建筑(海口最高楼),海口希尔顿酒店拥有406间豪华客房及224间行政公寓,宽敞华贵的房间均提供最现代的设备和高档生活用品,营造一个非凡卓越的居住环境,酒店以其249米的高度独揽海口360°美景。此外,中、西及特色餐厅、大堂吧、云端酒吧、会议宴会设施、水疗泳池等娱乐设施等一应俱全。我们正在寻找充满自信、激情万丈的你。来吧,一起加入希尔顿,与我们一起蓬勃发展。面试时间:时间:周一至周五9:30-11:30 14:00-17:00地点:负二楼人力资源部(从海航国际广场南门——金贸中路员工通道进)温馨提示:面试时请携带身份证原件及复印件1张、一寸彩照1张交通指引:公交:乘坐3、4、8、23、34、57、65、72、78、79路公交车至金贸中路站下车,步行约200米即可看到海航国际广场我们的福利:免费提供工作餐与住宿按国家规定缴纳五险一金每周休息两天,每天8小时工作制享受优于国家政策的带薪年假至少7天以上(每年递增)及享受节假日、婚假、产假、带薪病假、陪产假等 酒店员工可享受全球希尔顿集团旗下酒店超低住房员工价及餐饮折扣我们的培训与发展:丰富多彩的员工文化活动完善的培训体系希尔顿网络大学(超过8000门免费网络在线课程)高潜力人才培养发展计划实习生培养发展计划希尔顿管理培训生项目 一对一伙伴计划联系方式:联系人:张女士电话:0898-36798888转6702邮箱:haikou.recruitment@hilton.com 地点: 滨海大道109-9号,海口希尔顿酒店(员工通道入口在金贸中路12号)