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- 有志在酒店行业发展的应届毕业生/实习生;
- 对担任酒店管理人员具有高度期望;
- 热爱服务行业,具有良好的顾客服务意识、亲和力、沟通技巧和团队合作精神。
瑞吉不同寻常的地方就在于其历史传承和神奇传说。上海外滩瑞吉酒店,倚卧于南外滩少有的雅址,是品味精致生活的理想汇聚地。在此,我们致敬海派魅力,打造摩登优雅风尚。酒店拥有192 间客房,包含13间套房。点缀于酒店各个角落的艺术品无不是对海派文化的优雅诠释。酒店的餐饮是对海派精神的持续演绎,映衬外滩日与夜的律动,打造丰富多彩的味觉盛宴。酒店也将瑞吉酒店引以为傲的管家服务展现得淋漓尽致,巧妙地将阿斯特家族的标志性传统和上海的精致生活融入其中,为宾客创造贴心舒适的至臻体验。What sets St. Regis apart is its rich heritage and mythology. The St. Regis on the Bund, Shanghai is the South Bund's only tranquil Address, an easy conduit to Shanghai's most exquisite happenings.The St. Regis on the Bund, Shanghai has 192guest rooms, including 13 suites, Our House is a richly imagined tribute to the Art Deco style, harboring a stunning medley of soulful art, elevated Shanghainese cultural experiences, and a rich array of culinary explorations inspired by Chinese fine dining and the Bund's nighttime ambiance. The St. Regis' sublime Butler services impart a familiar opulence, while the House of Astor's signature rituals are detailed with Shanghai's timeless flavor.Here is where glamour flourishes, and never fades.