东莞富盈酒店是由广东富盈集团投资兴建的一家五星级酒店,酒店倡导提供优质的产品和细致的服务,对宾客,它意味着舒适、温馨、便捷、和谐的生活环境;对员工,它意味着张弛有度、实现自我价值、注重学习与成长的发展空间。Cinese Hotel is invested by Guangdong Cinese Group,it is a five star hotel.Cinese Hotel provides the excellent products and careful service. For guests, it means comfortable, warm and convenient living environment; for employees, it means relaxing, self-achievement, and developing opportunity.酒店提供富有竞争力的薪酬,周到且人性化的福利政策;Hotel offers competitive salary, thoughtful and humanized welfare policy;酒店配备员工图书室、员工活动室、篮球场等设施,为员工提供多样化的娱乐休闲场所;We provides employees with library , staff club, basketball courts and other facilities, a variety of entertainment and leisure places;酒店每月为寿星举办生日活动,并举办各种有益的企业文化活动,丰富员工业余生活;We hold birthday parties monthly for god of longerities monthly, and also a variety of beneficial cultural activities to enrich staff afterhours life;酒店设有人才特殊津贴:具有大学专科及以上学历的员工每月可享有100元学历津贴;We have special subsidy for talents: a university degree and above employees can enjoy100Yuan education allowance monthly;具有良好外语才能的员工,每月可享有100-300元的语言津贴;The staff who have good foreign language ability can enjoy100-300language allowance monthly;酒店具有良好的培训机制,为员工定期举办技能、管理、素质提升培训,并邀请酒店高层管理人员亲自授课,与员工共同分享技能、经验和成功之道;We have a good mechanism for training and organize staff to train in skills and management regularly and invite the hotel senior management staff to teach and share skills, experience and success with employees together;酒店员工餐厅宽敞、整洁,员工均可免费享用一日三餐;Our dining-room is spacious and neat, employees can enjoy free meals three times a day;酒店提供舒适的住宿环境,配有中央空调、独立卫生间、阳台、冷热水供应。We offer comfortable accommodation environment, equipped with central air-conditioning, independent bathroom, balcony, cold and hot water is also supplied.我们期待您在这和谐、理想且富有发展前景的环境中一展才华,和我们一起成长。We look forward to you in this harmonious, perfect environment which is full of prospects for development, and grow with us together.选择了富盈,就是选择了一片广阔的发展天地!Join in us, means a broad developing world!有意者请持有效身份证、学历证书原件、相关资格证书及一寸免冠彩色近照1张到人力资源部面试。联系电话:8588 8888-8275Interested parties can bring valid identity certificate, original degree certificate,related certificates and one recent color photographs of an inch without hat for an interview.Tel: 85888888-8275面试时间:逢周一至周五上午08:30-12:00;下午13:30-18:00 Interview time: every Monday to Friday at 08:30-12:00;13:30-18:00