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万达酒店及度假村管理公司成立于2012年,是一个集酒店业主、经营及销售等功能为一身的综合集团,旗下拥有五星级酒店品牌—万达嘉华、超五星级酒店品牌—万达文华以及顶级酒店品牌—万达瑞华。万达酒店及度假村的品牌发展将“秉承中华礼仪之道,超越至善期望,创造尊崇体验”,立志成为国际领先的中国豪华酒店管理集团,为四方宾朋提供“始终如一、温情倍至”的服务。Founded in 2012, Wanda hotels and Resorts is global-leading operator of luxury Chinese hospitality brand and it is also one of the world’s premier hotel ownership and management companies, currently owns and/or manage hotels under the Wanda Realm, the five-star hotel brand; Wanda Vista, the five-star plus hotel brand and Wanda Reign, the luxury hotel brand. Wanda Hotels and Resorts will provide our customers with a superior experience that exceed expectations based on our proud Chinese heritage and traditions, to consistently providing hospitality from our hearts. 南昌万达嘉华酒店位于南昌红谷滩中心城区、处于商务及娱乐核心地带,坐拥整个赣江美景,是万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司旗下超五星级品牌酒店,也是南昌市乃至江西省最为奢华的超五星级酒店之一,拥有301间豪华时尚客房和套房,以及包括中餐,全日制西餐厅和特色餐厅在内的三个风格迥异的餐厅。8个中型会议室、1个1200平米的宴会厅及3300平米超一流水平的多功能会议厅,为商务人士创造温馨、惬意的居停感受。2013年12月年已经盛装开业。 “心仪嘉华、理想之所”选择万达嘉华,为您的职业生涯开辟一个全新的起点,您将享有以下为您量身准备的福利: Wanda Realm Nanchang is located in Honggutan central district of Nanchang and in the core area of Business and Entertainment, which can take a bird’s eye view of Gan River. It is the five-star plus hotel brand in Wanda hotels and Resorts and also is one of most luxury five-star plus hotel in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province.We have 301 spacious guestrooms and suites and 3 restaurants including Chinese, western and special style. Boasting of 8 medium conference rooms, one of Banquet Hall over 1200 m2 and super-premium multifunction meeting place over 3300 m2, Wanda Realm Nanchang creates warm and enjoyable staying experience.Opening the end of this year.“Admire ideal place--- Wanda Realm Nanchang”, which offer the fresh start of your career development and you will be entitled following tailor-made benefits:● 免费宿舍(外地员工享有)● 免费优质的工作餐● 免费多功能的员工文娱活动室● 丰富多彩的员工团队活动及运动赛事● 为每位同事量身定制的培训课程和个人职业发展计划● 为您的个人成长提供集团内拓展的机会● 提供有竞争力的薪酬与福利● 提供内部的调动和晋升机会● 五险一金、每周双休、带薪年假等● Free accommodation for non-citizen;● Free superior duty meals;● Free multifunctional associates recreation room;● Variety of team building activities and sports games;● Tailor-made training course and personal career development plan;● Opportunity of growing and developing in group● Competitive salary and benefits;● Opportunity of internal transfer and promotion;● 5 social insurances and housing fund, 2 days off in a week and paid annual leave. 感谢您对南昌万达嘉华酒店的关注。我们诚邀您和我们一起为“万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司”成为国际领先的中国豪华酒店管理集团而努力,共创美好未来。Thank you for your attention of Wanda Realm Nanchang. We sincerely invite you to join in Wanda hotels and Resorts and strive for becoming International Leading Chinese Luxury Hotel Management Group in bright future.