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ABOUT US 关于我们 About Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts关于悦榕度假酒店集团Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts is a leading upscale resort owner, developer and operator in the Asia Pacific with a number of highly acclaimed and multiple award-winning resorts and spas , branded in Banyan Tree, Angsana and Colors of Angsana, throughout the region. To date, Banyan Tree Group manages and/or has ownership interests in 22 resorts and hotels, 62 spas and 66 retail galleries and 2 golf courses.悦榕度假酒店集团是全球顶级的度假酒店品牌,目前在全球范围内拥有22家悦榕、悦椿及悦椿绚丽色彩,三个顶级品牌酒店及度假村、62家SPA中心、66家悦榕精品店和2家高尔夫球场,并荣获了100多项酒店行业大奖。Banyan Tree Huangshan黄山悦榕庄Located in Anhui Province in Eastern China, Banyan Tree Huangshan is nestled at the foot of the majestic Mount Huangshan. A 90-minute drive from Huangshan City and Huangshan Tunxi International Airport, the picturesque retreat is 10 minutes away from the ancient villages of Xidi and Hongcun, treasured UNESCO World Heritage sites.Surrounded by awe-inspiring landscapes, Banyan Tree Huangshan captures the essence of Mount Huangshan's enchanting aura of romance. Presenting premium resort living, Banyan Tree hotel in Huangshan is an idyllic haven for the senses.黄山悦榕庄位于中国东部的安徽省内,坐落在雄伟的黄山脚下, 距离黄山市和黄山屯溪国际机场 90 分钟车程。从这一风景如画的度假胜地出发约 10 分钟,便可到达享有联合国教科文组织世界遗产称誉的古老村落:西递以及宏村。环绕在美不胜收的风光之中,黄山悦榕庄汲取了黄山浪漫迷人的气息和精华。 为宾客呈现尊贵的度假生活,黄山悦榕庄是放松身心的理想天堂。 面试时间:周一至周五 09:00-17:00 (可接受电话面试或视频面试) WELCOME TO JOIN US 我们期待您的加入!我们的福利:配有空调和电视的免费员工公寓齐全的床上用品自助式洗衣房健身娱乐设施带薪年休假服务费分享计划(15%的服务费将每月发放给全体员工)丰富多彩的员工活动全面的社会保险及住房公积金等福利体贴的医疗住院补充保险集团内部酒店入住及餐饮员工价 我们的培训及发展:各种形式的语言及工作技能培训集团在线培训快速发展计划国内外姐妹酒店交叉培训国内外姐妹酒店内部工作调转机会 OUR VACANCIES 我们的职位需求岗位需求:中专、大专及以上学历有国际联号酒店工作经验优先有一定英语基础有从事酒店服务业的愿望工资及福利(面议) We don’t offer a job only, we offer career and an environment where you can feel care and self- esteem for you to learn and exceed.The best interface for your studying road. The best beginning for your tourism career.我们不仅仅为您提供一个工作机会,更给予您一份事业,并致力于为您提供充满关爱的工作环境,在备受尊重的氛围中学习并不断超越。您学业生涯的最好对接;您职业生涯的最佳起点。We invite you to join us, as part of the team of one of the world’s most famous hotel brands, and together we will create an oasis for the well travelling and provide “emotional luxury” to our guests.我们诚邀您的加入,成为世界著名酒店集团中的一员,在这里我们将共同创造品质旅行者的心灵栖所,为八方宾朋提供触动心灵的奢华。 Contact Information 联系信息联系人:HR 联系电话:+86 05592265000联系地址:安徽省黄山市黟县宏村镇黄山悦榕庄人力资源部 Banyan Tree Huangshan -HR Office, Hong Village, Yi County, Huangshan Anhui Province For more information, welcome to visit our group website: www.banyantree.com更多信息,欢迎浏览我们集团的官方网站:www.banyantree.com Warm Tips for you 投递简历小贴士 Through veryeast.com 通过最佳东方网站投递:Please wait for the reply, do not send your CV again through email.请您耐心等待回复,无需重复使用邮箱再次发送。Through emails address 通过邮箱投递:Our email address is 我们的邮箱地址是:polly.ding@groupbanyan.comPlease fill in the position you applied in the email subject, requirements as follow: 请在邮件标题注明您的求职意向,格式如下:1) Department position - your name 申请部门职位 - 您的姓名 (如前厅 - 张某某)2) Word CV is recommended 推荐使用文档形式/Word版简历3) Provide bilingual CV is recommended尽可能提供中英双语简历4) Please attach your latest photo 简历请附个人近期免冠照