厦门泰地万豪酒店,位于厦门市海沧区临海亲水6公里的海沧大道CBD,地处SOHO泰地海西中心,与厦门岛隔海相望,地理位置得天独厚、交通便捷,是福建省首家万豪国际集团旗下的复合型酒店。Xiamen Marriott Hotel Haicang is strategically located in the Haicang CBD along the beautiful waterfront promenade of Haicang Boulevard. Overlooking the harbor with Xiamen Island and Gulangyu Island, it is the first complex hotel project managed by the Marriott International in Fujian Province. 厦门泰地万豪酒店配套416间典雅舒适的客房,房间设施完善,65%的房间可饱览厦门岛及鼓浪屿的醉人海景。富有设计感的宴会及会议空间总面积达3000余平方米,能满足不同会务需求。健身中心及水疗中心配备一系列高端健身设备及独享SPA空间,令舒适体验进一步升级。3个各具特色的餐厅及时尚优雅的大堂吧,为宾客缔造视觉与味觉的双重享受。Xiamen Marriott Hotel Haicang comprises a total of 416 stylishly appointed guest rooms with 65% facing the breathtaking sea view.The hotels also provide 4 moderns restaurants serving Chinese and International cuisine to cater various needs. With over 3,000 square meters of multifunctional event space with state of the art AV equipment, this is undoubtedly the best choice to host events of any kind. 厦门泰地万豪酒店即将盛大启幕,我们正在找寻活力充沛,创意无限的待客师,与我们一同开启属于您的非凡之旅!We will soon open our doors and welcome any passionate and enthusiastic talents wishing to grow with us in the hospitality industry. Come get onboard and join the extraordinary journey with us!