虚位以待? 诚聘英才 三亚鹿岭海湾维景国际大酒店坐落于美丽的三亚南边海港,依山面海,迷人的三亚港湾特色风景尽收眼底。地标式建筑“凤凰岛”近在咫尺,背靠著名的旅游风景区“鹿回头”,茂密的原始森林植被提供了充分的负氧离子,让客人体验高品质的全新的商务度假方式。 552间风格典雅、景致各异的豪华客房,将三亚美景尽拥怀中,独特的布局设计将浓郁的东南亚风情与本土文化完美融合。并配有独立行政楼层及行政酒廊,尊享您的专属便捷服务。西面山景房与鹿回头茂密森林亲密接触,推开阳台落地窗,热带清新的自然气息扑面而来,聆听山林风声鸟语,山脚瀑布流水潺潺,您只需闭上双眼用心感受自然的美妙。东面湾景房面朝大海,四季如春,国际游艇码头及港湾美景一览无余,超大观景阳台配有西式独立浴缸。夜幕降临,月色下繁华都市霓虹闪烁,宁静港湾游艇、渔船星星点点,仿佛将时空穿梭到了那美丽的“维多利亚港湾”……Located in the charming southern coastal line of Sanya and offering beautiful scenery, including famous Phoenix Island. Grand Metropark Bay Hotel Sanya is a luxury five-star hotel with modern design and luxurious facilities. At the back of the hotel is the dense primeval forest of the Lu Hui Tou hills, providing plenty of fresh air. The hotel offers a brand new vacation experience. The hotel is managed by HK CTS Hotels Company Limited.?Featuring more than 400 luxurious rooms with unique layout, rich tropical decorations mixed with local culture. Exclusive executive floor, where our Executive Lounge offers great view of Sanya and providing pampered services. Hill view rooms are close to the Lu Hui Tou scenery spot, you can simply open the window in the balcony to feel the fresh air, the beautiful bird singing and sound of the waterfall. Bay view room look towards the open sea, you can enjoy our spacious bathtub and overlooking the international yacht club harbor. When night falls, more light and color will be sprinkling like the stars and you would feel like you are in the beautiful “Victoria Harbor”......