- 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
- 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
- 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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Assists the Executive Chef in the overall operation of the Fortune Chinese kitchen and Banquet Kitchen by participating in decisions relating to hotel policy, philosophy, direction, goals and objectives and action their implementation as directed.
Assist the Executive Chef on manages ongoing culinary operations to ensure that quality and safety standards are met, service distinctiveness promoted and available resources are utilized to promote maximum profitability and a quality image.
3. 优化高效的计划、调度、订购和库存控制。
Optimizes efficient and effective planning, scheduling, ordering and inventory control.
4.指导和控制中餐副厨 / 厨师长和所有下属厨房员工,确保所有日常操作事务都能按时处理,满足或超过客人的期望。
Directs and controls Assistant Chinese Chef / Sous chef and below kitchen employees to ensure that all day to day operational matters are handled on time and guest expectations are met or exceeded.
Ensure continuous improvement of Kitchen Policies and Procedures. Ensure compliance of departments with approved policies.
Oversees the standards of cleanliness and hygiene in Chinese kitchen and Banquet Kitchen areas and takes appropriate action where necessary.
Prepares, communicates and implements in conjunction with the Food and Beverages Department on all Food and Beverage promotion plan for all restaurants.
Assist the Executive Chef on minimizes the number of accidents occurring from unsafe practices by ensuring applicable health and safety / HACCP standards are understood and applied.
Assist the Executive Chef on all Food and Beverage pricing, maximizing outlets profitability while maintaining value for money principles.
Assist the Executive Chef on executing on the of the hotel’s annual budget, and more specifically prepares, monitors and controls the hotel’s Food & Beverage related revenue and expenses based on overall goals and objectives.
Ensures the implementation and maintenance of supply par stocks in Fortune Chinese Kitchen, Banquet kitchen and oversees inventory taking and control
Assist the Executive Chef on maintaining efficient administration organization and submit reports on time.
Assist the Executive Chef on ensuring that employees are selected, trained, evaluated and rewarded in compliance with existing employee management systems.
Continuously seeks way to improve guest satisfaction as well as financial results.
Caches, counsels, disciplines and develops subordinate employees and assists other departments in this process.
水、墨、轩、宇,徽派名领江淮。安徽省会城市合肥,通达江海,突显“皖”系风派。融合中国徽式古典,兼具德国包豪斯风格,著名法国设计师领衔设计并缔造合肥滨湖新区地标性艺术空间—安徽高速徽风皖韵酒店。从酒店大堂到会议室的一系列空间设计,体现出简洁、和谐的设计风格,营造出别具魅力的都市时尚居所。安徽高速徽风皖韵酒店将于2019年第四季度优雅启幕。酒店坐拥巢湖黄金位置,以238米高度成就滨湖新区新地标;地理位置优越,交通便捷,毗邻滨湖新区充满活力的商业、购物及娱乐中心。从酒店出发到滨湖国际会展中心和合肥高铁南站仅需15分钟车程,到达合肥新桥国际机场也仅需45分钟车程。 酒店拥有335间雅致温馨的客房,宽敞明亮的起居空间,豪华的浴室,透过客房内的观景玻璃窗,美丽的城市景致尽收眼底。面积45平方米至318平方米不等,客房均享滨湖新区中心城市美景。下榻于客房中,演绎全新层次的精美与舒适。 总面积达4,631平方米的灵活会议空间配备最新的视听技术设备,优质且远超同侪的活动设施,是举办大小会务、各类社交活动和宴会的理想之选。自动扶梯和电梯通道的独立会议入口更能全面满足会议客人的需求。经验丰富的宴会服务团队将全力打造完美会议,带给与会者迥然不同的享受。酒店内设有5间各具特色、富有设计感的餐厅及酒吧。怡景全日餐厅环境舒适,供应国际化美食和德式美馔;喜悦轩中餐厅甄选品质上乘的食材,为庐州食客带来地道粤肴与安徽本地美味;安静优雅的M大堂吧提供德式下午茶及经典小食,让客人“德”偿所愿。身处云端,在全城仅有的室内兼室外顶楼酒吧餐厅云尚,啜饮一杯鸡尾酒亦或烈酒,让您在音乐谱写的悠闲夜晚,享受惬意缤纷时光。酒店引进全新的咖啡店理念,另设咖荟咖啡店,为宾客提供国际风味熟食。全城最高、最大的顶楼行政酒廊视野开阔,拥有绝美视角,令人尽享凭高远眺的舒畅。酒店还设有专业健身房、豪华泳池、水疗SPA,宾客可在此放松身心,度过一段奢华的惬意时光。安徽高速徽风皖韵酒店,秉持“精品筑家,臻于至善”宗旨,完美融合“德国品质,议居同宇”的品牌理念,是来皖高端客人进行商务、会议、休闲度假等活动的臻品级首选。