IFC Residences (IFCR) offers premium luxury living in Shanghai, offering five-star accommodation and service, while also utilizing Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) reputation for high quality real estate in outstanding locations.As an integrated component of the IFC Shanghai complex, IFCR offers residents the unique opportunity to work, live, relax and play within the same development. With the commercial office towers, shopping mall and restaurants, and superb service and facilities at IFCR, living in Shanghai has never been more convenient.With the continued success of the Lujiazui as the major business and financial hub of Shanghai, IFCR’s appeal extends to potential residents in both Pudong and Puxi and of all nationalities.Top quality people for a top quality project.Come join us and participate in our growth. Be a partner in our success.国金汇(IFCR)为您在上海的生活提供顶级奢华的居住环境。在提供五星级服务的同时,我们沿承了新鸿基地产打造精致高端、品味出众的地产理念。国金中心(IFC)坐拥甲级商业办公大楼、综合购物中心以及各式餐厅。而国金汇作为上海国金中心综合设施的一部分,以一流的服务以及卓越的设备设施为住客提供工作、生活、休闲以及娱乐为一体的全方位殿堂级体验,为住客缔造前所未有的便利生活。随着陆家嘴成功成为上海主要的商业及金融中心,国金汇也吸引着黄浦江两岸住客,乃至世界各国人士。追求卓越是我们共同的目标。诚邀您,与我们携手共进,见证我们的成功。