- 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
- 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
- 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
- 联系我们


1. 确保推广酒店品牌服务并随时为到来的客人提供服务
Ensures the delivery of brand promiseand provides exceptional guest service at all times.
2. 确保为客人提供优质的服务
Provides excellent service tointernal customers in other departments as appropriate.
3. 礼貌并有效处理酒店客人的简单投诉和服务要求,并达到客人满意
Handles all guestand internal customer simple complaints and inquiries in a courteous andefficient manner, following through to make sure problems are resolvedsatisfactorily.
4. 建立维护良好的客户关系并与同事建立融洽的工作关系
Establishes and Maintainspositive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.
5. 确保管理公司品牌的基本标准的执行
Ensures thatminimum brand standards have been implemented.
6. 积极的与其他餐厅员工合作,互相协助共同致力于整个酒店成功运行和客人的满意
Works closely withother Outlet employees in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on theoverall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests.
7. 积极地与其他部门协助工作,保持高度的团队协作
Works in asupportive and flexible manner with other departments, in a spirit of “We workthrough Teams”
8. 记录设备的库存量和客人所需食物量
Maintains par stocks of allequipment and guest supplies as required.
9. 按顺序引领客人就坐,下单,上菜
Seats, takes orders and servesfood and beverage to guest according to the established sequence andprocedures.
10. 送上菜单,应答客人询问,给出食物,饮料选择的意见,服务客人
Presents menu, answersenquiries and makes suggestions regarding food, beverage and service torestaurant guests.
11. 每道菜上毕,清理和重置餐台和餐桌
Clears and resets counters ortables at conclusion of each course.
12. 熟练使用收银操作系统
Fully conversant with allaspects of the cashier System.
13. 输入账单和结账
Computes bill and acceptspayment
14. 适时的充当收银员的角色
Performs the function ofcashier as required.
15. 检查信用卡有效
Verifies all credit cardspresented by guest before to validity of the card.
16. 熟知菜单上的所有菜品,并有能力为客人推荐菜品
Have a thorough knowledge andunderstanding of all food and beverage items in the menu and the ability torecommend Food and Beverage combinations and up sell alternatives.
17. 严格遵守酒店员工手册的各项规定,以及酒店内关于火险,卫生,健康和安全制定的各项政策
Understands and strictlyadheres to Rules and Regulations established in the Employee Handbook and thehotel's policies concerning fire, hygiene, health and safety.
18. 保持优雅的个人着装及个人卫生
Ensures high standards ofpersonal presentation and grooming.
19. 贯彻行业内,酒店内的制度。
Responds to changes in theFood and Beverage function as dictated by the industry, company and hotel.
20. 按时参加培训和会议
Attends training sessions andmeetings as and when required.
21. 认真实施分配的任务和责任
Carries out any otherreasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.