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1、 餐饮战略的制定与实施,根据酒店整体发展战略及内外部环境的分析结果,制定餐饮经营战略
3、 负责实现部门的营业收入指标和利润指标
4、 与行政总厨一起筹划和设计菜单,开发适合当地需求的餐饮产品
5、 通过流程再造,鼓励创新和推动变革,提升餐饮经营活力,提高利润并创造价值
6、 协调与其他部门的工作关系,确保宾客得到满意的餐饮产品和优质的服务
1、3年以上同岗位工作经验,形象气质佳、英文流利,具有香格里拉或凯悦集团旗下高星级酒店 相关工作经验者优先考虑
杭州绿城尊蓝钱江豪华精选(The Luxury Collection?)酒店于2014年9月盛大开业。酒店是由杭州绿城集团投资的国际五星级奢华酒店。酒店坐落于杭州新兴CBD钱江新城,地理位置优越,比邻苏轼笔下“八月十八潮,壮观天下无”的钱塘江。酒店距离杭州的文化和娱乐景点,重要交通枢纽仅数分钟路程。诞生于亚平宁半岛-意大利的豪华精选品牌历史可追溯于1906年,如今豪华精选将其欧洲血统融入作为隋唐名郡、吴越首府、南宋都城和元代以来的浙江省省会-杭州,将品牌三大核心价值:非凡卓绝、本地风情、多姿体验与杭州深厚的历史文化底蕴结合并发挥到极致。酒店总建筑面积52,000平方米,共设205间客房,由国际知名建筑设计师Pierre-Yves Rochon先生倾心打造,奢华摩登的建筑风格彰显豪华精选品牌的高端定位。我们为豪华精选的客人提供豪华精选礼宾服务,目的地指南丛书和豪华精选鸡尾酒特选等标志性产品及服务。秉承“人才制胜”的发展战略,我们为我们的员工提供实现快速发展的职业关爱项目和关爱、培训等项目。来吧,与我们共同成长!杭州豪华精选酒店诚邀您的加入,让我们一同开启卓越至拥精华,荟萃百年经典,传递今时非凡,为环球旅行家提供难忘的旅行体验。Hangzhou Luxury Collection Hotel (The Luxury Collection?)?has had its grand opening in Sep 2014. It?is an international 5-Star luxury hotel owned by Hangzhou GreentownReal Estate Co., Ltd. Located in the emerging CBD Qianjiang New Town inHangzhou, the hotel occupies the highly desirable address which is close to thenotable Qiantang River and within short distance from culture attractions andtransportation hubs in Hangzhou.The Luxury Collection Hotels &Resorts??from Apennine Peninsula - Italytraces its heritage to 1906. Now, the brand embraces its Europeanlineage into Hangzhou, the capital city of Sui, Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasty.“Exceptional, Indigenous, Experience”, the 3 core values of Luxury Collectionwill be well delivered together with the profound historic culture of Hangzhou.There are 205 spacious guest rooms andsuites in the hotel with construction space totaling 52,000 square meters. Theluxury and modern architectural style is designed by the famous architecturaldesigner Mr. Pierre-Yves Rochon which manifests the positioning of LuxuryCollection brand. We provide all guests of Luxury Collection with our LCConcierge Program, Assouline Guides, LC Cocktail Collection and other brandsignature product and service. Aligned with?“Win with Talent”development strategy, Careers and?Care Program that?the training programs are in place to assist our associates to achieve their career goals.Come, grow with us! We sincerelyinvite you to join our Hangzhou Luxury Collection Family. Let us together access the portal to excellence and guide those global explorers to experience over possessions.