To welcome and seat guestupon arrival at the table
To assist guest in choosinghis or her beverage and or food order from the menu by giving recommendationsand explanations
To take the food or beverageorder from guest, ensuring that the order is accurate and has been doublechecked with guest
To record the order on theappropriate captain's order as outlined within the Restaurant operating policy.
To process the captain'sorder as per the cashier’s policy, as outlined in the restaurant policy.
To prepare all necessaryaccompaniments to go with order.
To serve any requested foodor beverage as per the service policy and standards
To assist where possiblewith any additional request (Note: any questions regarding hotel policies orprocedures should be referred to the Manager), and ensure guests are to be madeto feel comfortable at all times
在可能的情况下协助处理任何额外的要求(注意:任何关于酒店政策或程序的问题都应提交给经To make the guest feelwelcome at all times, and ensure that the service offered is of the highestquality, and that service is prompt efficient but not overbearing. And thatservice is offer with a smile at all times.
中国首家JW万豪侯爵酒店,上海鲁能JW万豪侯爵酒店于2019年8月8日正式亮相上海。延续品牌低调奢华的独特基因,侯爵式款待之道首次邂逅摩登上海,为沪上带来与众不同的沉浸式奢华体验。当人们穿梭于这座时髦都会时,上海鲁能JW万豪侯爵酒店也为人们开启了探索魅力上海的无限可能。这是继迈阿密,迪拜之后,全球开业的第三间JW万豪侯爵酒店。上海鲁能JW万豪侯爵酒店位于浦东新区黄浦江畔,坐落陆家嘴商区,拥有 515间客房,3100平米会议场地及6个餐饮场所,其中包括全日制餐厅,中餐厅,西餐厅,茶廊,酒吧及天台酒吧。气派超然的建筑,结合摩登居停的设计理念,将全新演绎沪上低调奢华,为一众品味超群而自信的杰出精英打造「JW非凡款待」。