1. 跟客人打招呼,礼貌专业地回答客人的问题-明确客人的需求并积极推荐符合的产品,告知客人产品的特性和优点,引导性销售(如附带产品、高价产品等);
2. 高效率的完成收银-保持店铺清洁,随时整理货架、补货;
3. 根据硬石的视觉标准陈列零售商品-负责店铺开档收档和营运期间的日常工作,如清洁橱窗、扫地拖地、整理货架等;
4. 确保每一位客人满意,努力让客人留下难忘的购物体验,努力使客人成为硬石Hard Rcok“铁杆粉丝”。
1. 具备热情的工作态度、团队精神;
2. 口齿清晰、开朗自信,语言表达能力和人际沟通能力;
3. 普通话标准,谈吐礼貌,有门店销售经验者优先。
深圳硬石酒店(Hard Rock Hotel Shenzhen),是美国硬石国际集团(Hard Rock International)旗下特色品牌酒店,中国大陆首家音乐主题酒店。坐落于著名的观澜湖国际休闲旅游度假区,地理位置优越,世界第一大观澜湖高尔夫球场近在咫尺。酒店融合流行文化元素和一流服务理念,以世界顶级的休闲、餐饮和娱乐设施,以及贯穿一切的主题——音乐,为渴望摆脱传统住宿模式的现代旅客营造奢华新体验。酒店拥有258间客房和套房,巧妙融会音乐创意装潢和摩登中国元素,带来巨星下榻体验。作为广东地区的新地标,酒店将延续品牌传统,用音乐缔造难忘体验:创先的The Sound of Your Stay®全方位音乐服务,唤醒内心渴望,在客房内体验酣畅淋漓的音乐快感。还可以零距离观赏到超过160件音乐收藏品,这些是从硬石闻名全球的8万多件音乐藏品中精选而出,全部来自当红艺人和音乐偶像,每一件都极富传奇色彩。酒店汇聚多间精致美味餐厅,包括招牌Hard Rock硬石餐厅和Sessions 全日制餐厅。酒店还设有Body Rock®健身中心、Rock Shop®摇滚商店、专为摇滚小明星打造的Hard Rock Roxity Kids Club™儿童俱乐部等多元的服务设施,满足宾客的一站式需求。此外酒店提供超过1000平方米的会议空间,让度假商旅体验更上一层楼。Located in the famed Mission Hills Resort, the Hard Rock Hotel Shenzhen is the first to arrive in Mainland China.Hard Rock now operate in 68 countries. There are now 162 Hard Rock Cafes around the world. For Hotels & Casinos, we now have 13,000 rooms in 23 hotels and 11 casinos. Last year, there were 112 million guest experiences and 31,000 live music events. We now have 80,000 priceless memorabilia icons in the global collection. And, in our properties around the world, we now have 39,000 system-wide employees under the Hard Rock brand.Located adjacent to Mission Hills Centreville, the 22-story, 258-room hotel will feature a Body Rock® fitness center, a Hard Rock Cafe, an entertainment lobby lounge, a roof top pool and bar, 930 m2 of function space and more. The top floor of the hotel will be comprised entirely of suites offering pristine views of the entire property that covers more than 44,000 square meters.Journey like song. Know your song. Read the audience & feel the vibe. Plug in & give a great performance. Strive for an encore.