阜阳万达嘉华酒店坐落于有“酒都之乡”美誉的阜阳市颍州区商圈核心位置淮河路与颍州南路交汇处,毗邻大型综合购物中心阜阳万达广场。酒店距离阜阳西关机场8公里,距离火车站8公里,距离长途汽车站仅1公里,交通极为便利。酒店拥有286间温馨雅致的客房及套房,为商务人士创造温馨 、惬意的居停感受。品珍中餐厅以精美粤菜和本地特色菜为主;美食汇全日餐厅荟萃全球美食;“辣道”特色餐厅出品川湘菜特色美食以及大堂酒廊的精美点心与幽雅氛围。久负盛名的“24小时精选”亦是上佳选择,为您呈献家一般的温暖。酒店拥有全市首屈一指的1200平米无柱宴会厅,并配备了全城最大的80平米LED和一流的视听设备,以及7个多功能会议厅,是您举办各类宴会、会议和婚宴的绝佳之选。闲暇之余,设施一流的健身中心让您的生活悠闲自得。?Wanda Realm Fuyang is located in area called “Spirit City,” which is inthe CBD at the intersection of Huaihe and South Yingzhou Roads and next to thesplendid Wanda Plaza. The location’s benefits are obvious as the hotel is onlyeight kilometers away from Fuyang Xiguan Airport, also eight kilometers awayfrom the Railway Station, and just one kilometre away from the bus station.?The 286-room hotel is an exquisite paradise of warm hospitality andOriental culture in a cosmopolitan style. ZHEN Chinese Restaurant is devoted tooriginal flavors and local delicacies; Café Realm features internationalcuisines; the Chili & Pepper Specialty Restaurant and relaxing Lobby Loungewill delight your taste buds. Or you can relax with Wanda Realm'sunique "24-hours Selected Breakfast" which is available at all times.There are seven elegant function rooms equippedwith state-of-the-art audio-visual and multimedia facilities and a magnificent1,200 sqm pillar-free Grand Ball Room with a 80 sqm LED making the facilitiesperfect for every occasion, whether you are having a small executive meeting ora gala dinner. Finally, the fitness centre is equipped with the worldfirst-class Technogym equipment to help you stay in shape and clear your mind.