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作为京城首家园林式精品酒店,北京枫烨园酒店私享三万平方米园林绿地景观,毗邻亚洲最大城市森林公园和36洞高尔夫球场,与绿树果岭咫尺相望,仿如置身于森林之中,虽深居闹市,却不染尘嚣。As the capital’s first garden-style boutique hotel, Beijing Fortune Grove Hotel owns 30,000 square meters of green space landscape. It is adjacent to the largest urban forest park of Asia and 36-hole golf course. Though it lives in the downtown, it’s quite different from the hustle and bustle. 在传统与现代,舒适与优雅的新中式设计风格的演绎下,北京枫烨园酒店以低调和专属的方式塑造高品味的独享私密空间;在现代简约建筑与中国传统文化的完美融合中,她以理性和睿智的生活态度诠释自然雅致的生活方式。In the new Chinese design style of tradition and modernity, comfort and elegance, Beijing Fortune Grove Hotel creates high-grade private space in a low-profile and exclusive way; in the perfect integration of modern simple architecture and Chinese traditional culture, she interprets the natural and elegant life style with a rational and wise living attitude. 北京枫烨园酒店,隐逸繁华,独善淳境。Beijing Fortune Grove Hotel is a secluded and prosperous place in a unique and pure environment. 枫景轩中餐厅 位于酒店一层和二层的枫景轩中餐厅主营精致粤菜且拥有世界级米其林大厨为宾客提供专属服务。餐厅的设计以中式庭院为设计灵感,巧妙运用亭台、流水、草木等自然元素创造出精致唯美的园林景观。透过落地窗,绿意盎然的经典园林与环绕其间的潺潺流水相映成趣。Maple Pavilion Chinese RestaurantLocated on the first and second floors of the hotel, Maple Pavilion Chinese restaurant specializes in the exquisite Cantonese cuisine, with world-class Chefs providing exclusive cuisine for guests. The design of the restaurant is inspired by the Chinese-style courtyard, skillfully using natural elements such as pavilions, springs and plants, and so forth, creating the delicate and beautiful landscape. Through the French casements, the green classic garden and the gurgling water around it form an absolute contrast. 酒店客房 酒店拥有34间专属庭院式景观客房,致力于喜爱宁静致远并极富艺术鉴赏力的旅行者。酒店客房层高3.6米,不仅拥有客房超静音系统、防尘系统、新风系统,还拥有面积为132平米的超豪华套间,尊享专属景观花园和客房送餐服务。Guest RoomsWith 34 exclusive courtyard style guest rooms, the hotel is dedicated to the travelers who love tranquility and art appreciation. The guest rooms are 3.6 meters high, they not only have super mute system, dust control system and fresh air system, but also have super luxury suites with an area of 132 square meters, enjoying exclusive landscape garden and in-room-dining service. 除此以外酒店还拥有多功能宴会厅、四季阳光厅、香氛阁行政酒廊、尚茗居、商务中心、艺术长廊,红酒窖、雪茄吧、日式料理、游泳及健身在内的多项配套设施,致力打造北京北部地区的奢华精品酒店。In addition, the hotel is equipped with a multi-functional banquet hall, Four-season sunshine hall, Aroma Executive Lounge, tea house, business center, art gallery, wine cellar, cigar bar, Japanese cuisine, swimming pool and fitness facilities. It is committed to be a luxury boutique hotel in northern Beijing.