市场推广及传讯总监 Director of Marketing & Communications
发布于 09:12
市场推广及传讯总监 Director of Marketing & Communications
成都 | 5年以上 | 学历不限 | 招1人

薪资面议 Negotiable

Here at The Temple House, we don't do ordinary things. We thriveon the different and the exciting, and yes perhaps a little quirky and withoutdoubt, fun.

With a dynamic culture and an open door for your feedback, you'renot just filling a role — you're owning it. We provide the training and thefreedom for you to flourish, with leaders who support and encourage you. Thedifference is you. Everyday is a fresh page in our collective story.

Ready to join us at The Temple House?

The Temple House celebrates Chengdu’s history and looks towardsthe future through inspired modern design and art. Our House is hidden amongstthe laneways of Taikoo Li Chengdu and set on former temple grounds, with 100intimate rooms and 42 serviced apartments, heritage courtyards, landscapedterraces and a subterranean oasis. It’s an urban sanctuary that surprises anddelights around every corner.

Job Overview

Thisrole leads the hotel's marketing efforts, from developing strategies to drivingbrand and communication related initiatives. We play a crucial role in shapingour hotel's brand image, creating awareness and driving revenue growth. Thosewho are creative and open-minded, have a deep understanding of market dynamicsand consumer behaviours will enjoy the role.

Key Responsibilities

Welcome to the core of what being a Director of Marketing& Communications is all about!

Here's the quick lowdown on what you'll do day-to-day:

·       To ensure that the hotels are recognized,according to our positioning by the local and national press and dining andtraveling public.

·       Communicate information about the hotels and itservices and facilities, employees and events in a positive, stylish andattractive manner in person or in writing.

·       Create an annual PR plan with monthly actionsfor the promotion of rooms and restaurants and bars in conjunction with theChefs, R&B and DOSM.

·       Adjust to changes in market requirements and thehotel’s sales strategies to meet business needs.

·       Develop online marketing campaigns base on PRplan, drive hotel awareness and build world –of-mouth market. (weibo, wechat,local popular social website, BBS)

·       Work closely the Management Team in creatingevents for our clients, guests, patrons and team members.

·       Maintain a high profile in the local community,attending events, which build the hotels image.


Here's exactly what you need to excel in this role:

The Non-Negotiables (Must-Haves):

·       Preferable bachelor degree in related majors(Marketing / Media / Public Relation)

·       6 years’ experience in a previous position in ahotel or related industry

·       Fluent English / Chinese in speaking, reading,writing and listening

·       Be sensitive and familiar to all new socialmedia channels

·       Good communication ablity and can work undervarious pressure

·       Good leadership and management ability

·       Effective interpersonal skills team player.

The Cherries on Top (Nice-to-Haves):

·       Happy outgoing personality.

·       Goal driven personality, wants to grow andlearn.

We've kept it short and sweet – just the essentials you'll need.

What We're Looking For: The Soul Behind the Skillset

Skills are teachable, but your spirit is what truly sets youapart. If you feel a connection with what we stand for, we're eager to meetyou.

  1. Adaptable Thinkers: You’re not just open to change; you thrive on it. The dynamic nature of our environment energizes you.
  2. Feedback Enthusiasts: You value open communication and aren’t afraid to give or receive feedback to help us all grow together.
  3. Passionate Pioneers: You bring more than skills; you bring energy and zeal to make a difference every day, connecting with a team that does the same.

Pause for a second before you hit 'apply.' Do these values alignwith your own? Is this the team you've been wanting to join? If your answer isa clear 'YES,' we're excited to get to know you better.


For Every Member of Our Family:

·       Dine at our teamdining hall and save on meals!

·       Enjoy COMPLIMENTARYroom nights at all of our hotels b’cause, who doesn’t love to travel?

·       Enjoy an annual, paidFun Leave, a day dedicated to having a blast!

·       Benefit fromcomprehensive medical and dental benefits, along with annual medical check-ups.

·       Enjoy discounts at ourrestaurants, bars, and spa -- at all locations!

·       Enjoy an appreciative& supportive culture that allows you to be your best self.

·       Be welcomed for thestylish you, if you got accessories, hair dyes or tattoos!

·       Turn up in smartcasual attires and be as comfortable as you can at work!

·       Speak up & putyour own ideas into actions. Think differently!

语言能力:英语-精通 中国普通话-精通
目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 中外合营(合资.合作)
   太古酒店集团“居舍系列”之一的成都博舍,由著名的英国设计师事务所MAKE Architects设计,大隐于风尚购物之地成都远洋太古里中,动静结合风格独特。酒店大堂即是拥有逾百年历史、始建于清朝的中式庭院——笔帖式。   博舍拥有100间客房和42套服务式公寓,以及各具特色的餐厅和酒吧,包括雅致禅意的米其林一星餐厅谧寻茶室,以精致现代的意大利料理而闻名米其林指南入选餐厅Tivano。还有全天候供餐的The Temple Café 咖啡厅和充满爵士年代气氛的JING井酒吧。另外,屡获殊荣的谧寻水疗中心宛如城市绿洲,除了设有游泳池和健身房,还提供别具匠心的一系列特色水疗护理。    在太古酒店,我们鼓励团队成员以其本身个性与宾客相处,建立真挚关系。我们的团队不拘泥于规条和守则,敢想不同;我们不惧犯错并勇于改进和承担责任。我们致力于寻找自动自觉、热忱投入和性情率真的人才,为宾客提供一种轻松自由、高度专业的服务。更多详情, 请参阅www.thetemplehousehotel.com