在餐饮总监的领导下, 坚持洲际酒店集团的政策和程序,为客人提供最好的服务。围绕餐饮部的四个核心价值推广酒店文化,它们是团队精神,谦逊,帮助和尊重,与酒店一起迅速成长为“客人挚爱的杰出酒店”
Under the direction of the DOFB,delivers exceptional customer focused service through adherence to Inter Continental Hotels Group Policies and Procedures. Promotes the desired work culture around the four core values of teamwork, courtesy, helpfulness and respect of the F&B department to become “Great Hotels Guests Love.
To lead & to manage F&B sales team to complete monthly budget which are including personnel sale target & whole R&B budget.
Assist manage all the on going promotions as well as the loyalty Memberships, aspire card and
any other promotional activities that may occur in Restaurants.
Assist Restaurant Manager develops a promotion plan for the hotel based on its marketing goals. Liaises with House of Fame Chinese Restaurant and Marketing in targeting specific markets and developing the public relations strategies to reach these markets.
Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company.
Problem solving, reasoning, motivating, organizational and training abilities.
Ability to read and write English
Diploma in Hotel Management, Food & Beverage, or related field.
4years related experience, including supervisory experience, or an equivalent combination of education and experience.
太原洲际酒店我们真诚的邀请您用180种独特的方式,与这个世界相遇遇到和开启属于您的“洲际人生” 当铭志与初心成为您才能与理想的代名词,我们愿以“洲际”之诺,让太原洲际酒店成为它们的彼岸。把快乐、微笑、激情、梦想......一起打包,背上行囊,将这一切带到洲际酒店管理集团,您将拥有“尽炫自我的空间”,从一个成功的开始便不断得到发展所需的丰富支持,在参与和成长的空间里找到属于自己的“洲际人生”。 太原洲际酒店位于这座龙城的长风商务区核心地带,是太原经济、政治、文化的核心交汇的区域,酒店俯瞰CBD与汾河景观, 毗邻多个拥有多元生活品味的商业中心及省大剧院、会展中心、包括科技、美术、博物等多展馆中心等,便捷的交通区位条件,更为酒店迎接八方宾朋提供了基础。 酒店拥有330间客房,其中31间套房。45平米以上的独立豪华空间设计,每间客房均拥有商务工作区,互动智能房控系统、高速网络功能、互动影音娱乐系统,让每位宾客随时畅享驾驭互联与智能的双重乐趣。融入Life Style 设计元素的时尚餐饮与休闲空间使太原洲际成为商务,旅游度假,以及品味潮流,在尊享品质生活人群的汇集之地。 拥有近千平的无柱宴会大厅以及5个多功能会议室的会议中心,配有最ING 的科技化会务和视听设备,我们提供专职的会务管家将携领会务团队提供卓越品质的服务体验,令酒店成为宾朋宴会及会议的首选之地,令您对每次会务活动的成功更加充满期待。 Join us,Live the InterContinental Life.