1. Be prepared for each daily activity and review any variations with manager and associate.准备日常的工作安排和了解有关经理及员工的变动。
2. Ensure all associates are aware of role and responsibilities and operate within their guidelines.
3. Ensure associate is properly groomed and uniformed at all times.
4. Maintain efficiency in the operation of the associate in a high standard of quality of service and courtesy, bringing total satisfaction to our guests and the hotel.
5. Conduct frequent hospitality audits to ensure the associate are conducting themselves in the manner appropriate for the department. Ensure Service Excellence Standards are in place.
6. Maintain a good working relationship between the associate and other departments.
7. Determine the requirements for, and the follow-up on, special groups or VIPs.
重庆丽思瑞凯悦臻选酒店地处长江,嘉陵江两江交汇的滨江地带,位于西部地标性建筑-重庆市渝中区环球金融中心第58层至69层,周边以高端商业为核心,集成国际奢华品牌购物中心、超甲级写字楼、当地文化美食街等,酒店与重庆地标“解放碑”毗邻而居,还可步行至最具重庆特色的著名景点之一 -“洪崖洞”。•酒店设有174间瑰丽典雅的客房及套房,每间客房均可坐拥180度绝佳两江美景 •城市之巅的7个多功能厅可满足不同需求的商务会议及派对活动•蝉联米其林三星厨师长带领团队的中餐厅将为您呈现令人喜出望外的完美味觉体验•经典传统,一览重庆景色的下午茶,国际顶尖配置的健身中心,均旨在为全球宾客带来独具山城特色的奢华体验