- 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
- 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
- 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
- 联系我们


§ 根据顺序,为客人点单并服务。
Take order and serve the guest according to the sequence.
§ 销售产品。
Up-sell product.
§ 维持客用品并控制成本。
Maintain guest supplies and control the cost.
§ 下班时,确保饮料存货正确。
Ensure beverage stock in the bar is correct.
§ 根据标准确保自助餐布置和服务。
Ensure buffet set up and service according to the standard.
§ 根据部门工作安排,确保服务的顺畅。
Ensure smoothly service according to the task arranged.
§ 处理客人关于食品和酒水方面的要求以及疑问。
Handle enquiries and require in food and beverage.
§ 协助每月进行运营设备及营业用品盘点。
Assists in conducting monthly inventory checks on all operating equipment and supplies.
§ 负责在服务之前对员工进行指导。
Provide guidance before serving.
§ 具备充足的菜单知识,能够向客人推荐和促销餐饮产品。
Knowledgeable in food and beverage, Able to up-sell and recommend food and beverage.
§ 能够对新员工和实习生进行培训。
Able to train the new coming staffs and trainees.
§ 与餐务部、客房部和工程部保持良好的沟通,确保餐厅的整洁和保养。
Maintain communication with stewarding, housekeeping and engineering, Ensure restaurant clean and well maintained.
§ 根据菜单为客人提供食品和饮料。
Provide food and beverage according to the menu.
§ 适应餐饮部或酒店其他部门岗位的灵活调换。