关于我们About us裸心酒店管理(上海)有限公司成立于2007年,是一家融合酒店设计、开发和管理的公司。我们倡导“裸心”理念,让生活远离城市喧嚣,让生命回归自然纯净,让心灵找回自我平衡。裸心是可持续发展度假酒店的先驱者,致力于为客人提供独一无二、融入自然的度假体验。裸心是一个快速成长的公司,可以提供极佳的就业机会及工作环境。截至目前,包括上海总部及裸心丨谷和裸心丨堡度假村,以及即将开业的苏州裸心丨泊&南京裸心丨岭度假村。我们的成员已超过九百人。在未来的五到十年间,裸心计划扩展到十个度假村。以一个经营酒店的公司而言,我们提供的职位大部分与客服密不可分。此外,我们在总部也提供项目开发、销售、市场、公关、人力资源、建筑设计及其他相关岗位。naked Retreats, founded in 2007, is a design consulting, hoteldevelopment and management company. We create accessible retreats from thehectic city lifestyle; a place to regain balance and restore oneself throughcloseness to nature. We are pioneers in sustainable nature retreats and giveguests unique and rewarding personal experiences in stunning naturalenvironments.naked Retreats is a fast growing company that offers an excitingcareer. We currently employ over four hundred staff between our headquarteroffice in Shanghai,naked Stables and naked Castle in Moganshan.Pro-opening naked Water in Suzhou & naked Forest in Nanjing。 We are planning to expand toten properties in China within the next five to ten years. As a hotelmanagement company, the majority of our positions are at the resorts in theguest services sector. However, we also have exciting positions in our Shanghaiheadquarters in development, sales, marketing and communications, humanresources, architectural design and other hospitality related sectors.裸心人才naked Talents裸心在人才招聘方面,特别注重的是,要能切实体会公司创建的理念,并且能够在日常生活中身体力行,落实永续、环保、健康的生活方式,与自然和谐相处。naked Retreats looks for people who understand and can play a part inwhat we as a company believe in: that we should live a sustainable,environmentally friendly, healthy life, as close as possible to nature.我们提供富有竞争力的薪资和待遇,期待您加入裸心,成为裸心人。清新,乐活,绿色,精彩 Fresh,Fun,Green,Great