1、To establish a Public Relation schedule and budget for the hotel and estimate the resources which needs to be allocated in conjunction with the plans and actions laid out in the Director of Marketing’s Business Plan and Marketing Plan.
2、Soliciting media coverage for all special events and program
3、To establish and maintain, through advertising and Public Relations, a desired and favourable image of the Hotel within the Hotel industry.
4、To monitor closely external opinion(s) of the hotel and to feedback such information to the General Manager and Director of Sales & Marketing and recommend the appropriate actions to be taken.
5、To review all printed material for the property to ensure it is properly worded and the image is reflective of the hotel. All print jobs to have GM approval
6、Through organized sales calls/ activities/ solicitations, develop potential events which are media driver, revenue generating; increase our standing in the community.
7、Maintain an effective tracing system for files and paper work.
8、Abides by the Le Meridien Code of Conduct.
9、Abides by the Le Meridien Employee Handbook.
10、 Abides by both the hotel and Le Meridien police and procedures.
艾美酒店艾美酒店品牌创立于1972年,是万豪集团旗下高端酒店品牌,它起源于欧洲法国,以皇家奢华闻名于世。目前全球有120多家艾美酒店,分布于欧洲、非洲、中东、美洲和亚洲等地。艾美酒店对城市以及区域的选择条件极为严苛,在国外,仅有超级城市以及著名的旅游景点才能见到艾美酒店的身影,目前艾美酒店在中国仅有13家,分别在香港、上海、重庆、青岛、厦门、郑州、宜兴、海南石梅湾、苏州苏州湾和惠州小径湾。 小径湾艾美酒店位于华润小径湾的惠州艾美酒店占有一线海景位置,总面积达134,000平方米,由英国著名的FOSTER+PARTNER事务所设计,与会所、商业街一起成为整个项目的核心公共区域。海鸥展翅型的建筑设计,前卫而富有创造艺术的奢华感。297间雅致的客房和各式套房、各餐厅、会议室均面朝大海,坐拥迷人景观,为客人和您提供探索高雅别致的无限可能。在小径湾艾美酒店,我们主张帮助客人发掘每个目的地应提供的令人意想不到的迷人体验。我们的客人是拥有好奇心和创意的大都会文化追寻者,欣赏周到、永恒的服务。我们提供特色、精致和令人难忘的服务和体验,激励客人充分发掘目的地。我们正在寻找充满好奇、富有创意和知情的人士加入我们的团队。如果您喜欢与志同道合的客人打交道,并渴望营造意想不到的体验,我们诚邀您与艾美酒店携手谱写未来的职业生涯。Our brand core values are “Chic、Cultured、Discovery” 我们品牌的核心价值观是别致、高雅、探索。 Chic is The Style别致是我们的格调Cultured Is the Content高雅是我们的内涵Discovery Is the Benefit探索是福利 At Le Meridien Xiaojing Bay, we focus on associates training and development, everyone needs to live our Vision and Values:在小径湾艾美酒店,我们关注员工的培养和发展,每个人都需要坚守我们美好的远景以及我们酒店的核心价值观: Our Vision 我们的远景To provide unlimited discoveries and unlock unique experiences提供无限探索机会,开启独特体验之旅 Our Values我们的价值观Honesty and Integrity 诚信正直Respect 彼此尊重Collaboration 团队协作Innovation 锐意创新Be Positive & Have Fun 积极快乐