- 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
- 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
- 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
- 联系我们
Job Responsibilities:
• Directs and works with team to successfully execute all housekeeping operations.
• Strives to continually improve guest and employee satisfaction and maximize the financial performance of the department.
• Manages housekeeping functions and ladies and gentlemen to ensure property guest rooms, public space and employee areas are clean and well maintained.
Job Requirements:
• Bachelor Degree or equivalent required.
• 5 years of experience in same positions of similar field.
• Thorough knowledge of hotel services and facilities.
• Ability to acquire and maintain relationship, associates, customers and vendors.
• Effective conflict management and financial management skills.
• Good communication skill in Cantonese, Mandarin and English verbal, listening and writing.
丽思卡尔顿的绅士和淑女们致力于提供完美无瑕的服务 - 我们承诺授权他们,使他们能够超越期望,为客人带来畢生难忘的体验。在丽思卡尔顿酒店的职业生涯充满了诚实,尊重和事业发展的机会。 丽思卡尔顿酒店以卓越服务誉满全球, 澳门丽思卡尔顿酒店也积极秉承这一优良传统。酒店位于世界闻名的娱乐和休闲目的地——澳门银河的顶层区域, 是丽思卡尔顿旗下的一家全套房酒店, 设有 230 多间套房, 可以俯瞰澳门路氹的壮丽景色。澳门丽思卡尔顿酒店荣膺《福布斯旅行指南》酒店和水疗中心五星大奖, 在餐饮方面更有米其林殊荣加身。 欢迎登入我们的招聘网站 : https://careers.marriott.com/the-ritz-carlton-careers/,了解更多职场文化和寻找职位空缺。 万豪国际集团贯彻被《财富》杂志,DiversityInc,Great Places to Work Institute等,评选为全球一众雇主当中的优先选择。万豪十分注重机会平等,致力于聘用多元化员工,并保持包容性的文化。