1. 此岗位主要针对前厅部管理培训生。
2. 具有良好的团队合作和服务意识,积极向上的工作态度,热爱酒店行业。
3. 具有较强的沟通能力和文字表达能力。
4. 自我职业规划清晰,有意愿和公司共同成长。
5. 具备优秀的学习能力和管理潜力;
6. 具有高度的工作热情,积极主动,尽职担责,同时具备较强的适应性,能承受较大的工作压力。
关于襄阳绿地铂骊酒店(About The QUBE Hotel Xiangyang) 襄阳绿地铂骊酒店是由世界500强绿地控股集团旗下绿地酒店旅游集团打造的五星级品牌高端商务酒店,酒店坐落于绿地中央广场,卧龙大道之上,毗邻长虹路商圈,步行街和各类餐饮场所林立。卓尔不群的设施、舒适高雅的环境、高端的会议设施及专业细致的服务使得襄阳绿地铂骊酒店成为您名副其实的会聚之所。The QUBE Hotel Xiangyang is a deluxe business hotel on 5 star brand standard which owned by The Fortune Global 500 enterprises-Greenland holding group. The hotel is located in Greenland Central Plaza and Wolong Road, adjacent to the Changhong business district, Pedestrian Street and various kinds of restaurant near by the hotel. We will offer unique facilities and professional service .It's an ideal place to hold a meeting.地址:湖北省襄阳市樊城区卧龙大道65号Add: No. 65 Wolong Road, Fancheng District, Xiangyang, Hubei电话Tel:0710-527 6666 关于铂骊酒店(About The QUBE Hotels) “精彩旅途,快意人生”。如果将一场旅途比划作圈,铂骊酒店正是这平凡曲线上最精彩缤纷的一处。铂骊酒店旨在以其娱乐休闲的多样性以及生活工作的兼容性为年轻商务人士注入旅途中的无穷乐趣和生机。从法兰克福到上海、徐州、南昌、荆州、铂骊酒店的足迹遍布于各大都市、机场、高铁及近郊。“Life is a wonderful journey” If travelling is regarded as drawing a cycle ,The QUBE hotel could be the most splendid part. The QUBE hotel aims to provide diversity of recreation and work life balance environment for young business traveler where they can enjoy a fun and comfortable journey .From Frankfurt to Shanghai and Xuzhou to Nanchang, Jinzhou, and The QUBE hotels can be found in big urban centers, by the airport, near the high-speed rail and in the suburbs.