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深湾会隶属于鹏瑞集团,由鹏瑞集团董事局主席徐航,于2015年发起成立,是一所国际化会员制城市俱乐部,承袭英式俱乐部的传统,为城市峯层人士带来具有引领性的、国际化的生活方式。深湾会以“质感生活,知乐人生”为宗旨,深湾会配备甄选料理、宴会定制、健康运动、商务办公等服务和设施。通过商务交流、社交休闲、艺术鉴赏、美食品享、亲子教育等多种方式的活动,为会员带来精彩的俱乐部生活。Shenzhen Bay Club is the membership-based club founded in Shenzhen which follows in the footsteps of British clubs to provide a forward-thinking and international lifestyle for the city’s leading figures.Shenzhen Bay Club strives to help its Members “CLUB LIFE LEADING TO WELLNESS” by offering a wide range of services and facilities such as fine dining, customized dinner parties, health & sports facilities, conference rooms and more. at Shenzhen Bay Club, Members can create a privately-tailored personal space, and the club encourages healthy and joyful living by offering our Members wonderful experiences through business communication, social activities, art fairs, diner parties, and family activities.