南京圣和府邸豪华精选酒店在2015年春季盛大开业。酒店由南京圣和投资集团投资建设。位于南京市玄武区长江路300号,坐落在玄武区圣和文化广场中,毗邻总统府,与大行宫金融区仅一街之隔。酒店与六朝博物馆紧密相连,属白金五星级,其建筑面积约4.7万平方米,作为城市功能接待、高层领导会晤的新型城市接待中心,是融历史博物馆和精品文化酒店建筑为一体的文化综合体。整体方案设计由美国贝氏建筑事务所设计,酒店室内由全球顶级室内设计公司HBA设计。The GrandMansion Hotel, Nanjing is grand opening on spring seasonof 2015. It was invested by Nanjing Sanhome Co, it is located in the down town of Nanjing which beside thePresidential Palace. It is the top hotel level with 47 thousands squaremeters and features the local culture and top corporate reception. Also it isthe complex of historical and boutique designed by famous Mr. Ieoh Ming Pei’sco. & HBA Co. in U.S.A.南京圣和府邸豪华精选酒店诚邀您的加入,我们将为您提供无限的机会,自我成长以及自我实现的空间,最大限度发挥您的潜能!The GrandMansion Hotel, Nanjing sincerely welcome you come on boardand we promise to provide you the room to grow and reach potential.